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Re: Snow Snow and more Snow

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Yes, I can have groceries delivered but I'm all set for now. I'm always ready for the worst. You just never know around here.


I'm shovelling snow about every 4 hours to keep up with it falling. Otherwise I won't be able to lift it...ugh.



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@rockygems123 @


Crazy but it was 82 yesterday in MA.

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@Sugipine wrote:


Yes, I can have groceries delivered but I'm all set for now. I'm always ready for the worst. You just never know around here.


I'm shovelling snow about every 4 hours to keep up with it falling. Otherwise I won't be able to lift it...ugh.





I have this giant very wide "push" snow shovel that amazingly enough bought from the Q at least 20? years ago.


In the last few years I bought a plastic one, doesn't work as well as the QVC one is metal.  It moves a lot of snow at once but like you the levels can't be too high or it won't work.    



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@rockygems123  That is such a pretty picture of the snow on the trees! It would make a great postcard 😊.

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In Pa here and it was around 80 yesterday and low 70's today. Glad of that because we have no power. We are in a drought. Haven't had any rain to speak of in about 6 weeks. I'm not fan of snow, so you can keep it.
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We are hot, dry, and in the high 70's, yesterday 80.


My husband has a season ski pass and is moaning about this hot weather.


I will not show him this photo or he will want to go tomorrow!


Yes, I dislike shoveling as well, but it does burn a lot of calories!

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It's 75 here in up state SC and supposed to be 80 tomorrow.  I was in Asheville NC Tuesday and it was warm and raining.  Very said to see the destruction in the art district along the French Broad River.  


Hope all of you getting snow continue to have electricity and stay warm and safe.  Please keep up posted on how you are doing.

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@rockygems123 No, we didn't but they still look fine.

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@FancyPhillyshopper wrote:





We are hot, dry, and in the high 70's, yesterday 80.


My husband has a season ski pass and is moaning about this hot weather.


I will not show him this photo or he will want to go tomorrow!


Yes, I dislike shoveling as well, but it does burn a lot of calories!



Yes he will want to go lol!  Our snow resorts are starting to open, Breckenridge opens tomorrow.


We were there just a couple weeks ago for a few days away and still had plenty of golden leaves, it was breathtaking.  Now it'll be all white lol.

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@rockygems123 wrote:

@Estellee wrote:

@rockygems123 wrote:



We are up against the foothills of the Rockies in the metro Denver area.

@rockygems123 How nice it must be beautiful. I live in So Florida and there is a hurricane churning out in the caribbean again. Unreal, isn't it.



It is truly beautiful here as well as your state.  It is unreal with the dangers, take care and hopefully won't be a bad one.    

@rockygems123 I lived in the Northeast for 18 years, I don't miss shoveling and driving in it though but it sure looks pretty.