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Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

Those who have passed:


My mom

My dad

My Grandmother (mom's side...never met)

My Grandfather (mom;s side)

My Grandmother (dad's side..never met)

My Grandfather (dad's side)


Non relatives:


Judy Sheindlin (Judge Judy)

Katherine Hepburn

Clark Gable

Andrea Bocelli

Thomas Edison

Billy Joel..............................


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Posts: 932
Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

[ Edited ]



Lindsey Graham

Martha Stewart

Don Lemon

My girlfriend since grade school

Angelina Jolie

Elon Musk





"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
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Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

I would want it to be a dinner party where my husband and I would gather around a big table with six other couples.....


Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry ll


John and Sarah Churchill, the first Duke and Duchess of Marlborough


George and Martha Washington


George Sand and Frédéric Chopin


Harry and Bess Truman


Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton



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Posts: 3,886
Registered: ‎11-20-2010

Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -


My mother because I need to talk to her

My brother

Marie Antoinette

Taylor Caldwell (an amazing author - made the past real)

Jackie O

Living:  Cher






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Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

I can't pick 6 off the top of my head.

I just know that I would LOVE to be invited to Jacque Pepin's house for dinner.

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Posts: 5,839
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

[ Edited ]

My parents (both deceased)

My 1 cousin (who sadly committed suicide)

Paul McCartney

Jon Bon Jovi

President Obama

Richard Gere


And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Registered: ‎09-14-2010

Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

Mathew McConaughey

Angie Harmon

Aaron Rodgers

Gisele Budchen 

Steven Tyler


Frank Lloyd Wright


-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -


Elenor Roosevelt

Moishe Dyan


Zahi Hawass

Joan Goodall

Just for starters

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Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

I leave Jesus out because he's whole other level for me and a given


I agree with this.  I want eternal life with him.


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Re: Six people you would love to have dinner with -

[ Edited ]

Without naming names and being too immodest, I should mention that I've actually had dinner with a couple people who are on other's lists here, so that really made me smile. For me, the most incredible dinner party would include:


David Lynch

Mae West

Noel Coward

Carrie Fisher

Oscar Wilde

Bette Davis