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Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

Equifax has been hacked and over 143 million accounts have been exposed.  What is worse with this hack is that the hackers were able to access Social Security numbers and Driver's License information amongst other important information.


Equifax discovered the hack July 29, but waited until Thursday to warn consumers. The Atlanta-based company has set up a special website, , where people can check to see if their personal information may have been stolen. Consumers can also call 866-447-7559 for more information.


Good grief who can you trust these days as I signed up for free with them when Home Depot and Target were hacked so they would monitor my credit . . . sigh, where does it end?

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

I saw the report on NBC Nightly News. Really angry about it. I signed up for the complimentary one-year protection, but did not get the info telling me whether I was personally affected or not.


Hackers are extremely patient and the one year's protection will not suffice. We will have to be on top of all our accounts on a regular basis, checking them at least once a week. 


Shame on Equifax!

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

I have gone through several  hacks over the years....have free credit monitoring for years. What is a person to do?   It is almost like an expected outcome.

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

I just saw this story earlier....thanks for the links!  I was googling for more information....I don't think I ever signed up with them BUT for some reason I remember doing a 2week trail thing...geez was it with them or not?? I can't recall....hopefully not...wonder how that works to check and see if they got your info??

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

Thanks so much for the link.  

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

You can enter info on their site and they'll tell you if you are affected.  I'm not. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624, I entered my info under "Potential Impact" and did not get a response -- only back to enrollment. Apparently, some people are finding out if they are affected and others are not being told (if you read NBC Nightly News' FB page.)

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

[ Edited ]

@momtochloe, thank you for the link. When I went to Potential Impact & entered my last name & 6 digits of my SSN, this is the message that I received:


Thank You

Your enrollment date for TrustedID Premier is:09/13/2017

Please be sure to mark your calendar as you will not receive additional reminders. On or after your enrollment date, please return and click the link to continue through the enrollment process.

For more information visit the FAQ page.


I'm guessing that I'm among those whose data has been compromised?

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

I entered my info and it DID NOT tell me if I was affected or not. It just said I could enroll as of 9/12 and gave me a link to return to. I have monitoring and fraud protection thru a couple of my credit cards, but this is infuriating. 

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Re: Equifax Hacked, Over 143M Accounts Exposed

@sgraham30, @FrostyBabe1, that's the message I got.  I'm thinking the site is being bombarded right now and maybe that's why we weren't told. ??