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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@caroln242 wrote:

Here’s an excerpt from an article I saw on


The Real Reason Sam's Club and Costco Check Your Receipts

 It's not to check for theft.

By Zee Krstic Updated November 13, 2018


I don't know about you, but I've always assumed the store employees checking receipts at the door are making sure customers aren't smuggling things out in their shopping carts.

Contrary to popular belief, especially at wholesale retailers like Costco and Sam's Club, the "Exit Greeter" (which is industry speak for the employee who will ask for your receipt) is actually there to help save you money. Mind blown, right? But the argument is this: The EG is checking your receipt for duplicate charges or for missed promotions, and if an error occurs, will help you get a refund as swiftly and smoothly as possible.


Who are they trying to kid??  What a bunch of baloney!  The only time they check my receipt is when I have something not bagged when I leave.  If I have an unpacked gallon of milk, they stop me, look at my receipt to see that the milk is listed and say ok and (sometimes) thank you.  They don’t look at my receipt long enough to see if I’m overcharged for anything or missed a promotion.  All they want to know is that I’m not trying to steal a lousy gallon of milk.

So I’ve started putting everything in bags…milk, soda, potatoes, whatever.  I am using my own bags so I don’t unnecessarily use plastic bags.  If something doesn’t fit, I use 2 bags.

One time one of the exit police started pawing through all my groceries, looking for some item.  He smashed some hamburger buns in the process and I finally had to tell him to get his hands off my food.

I don’t mind showing my receipt because they’re just doing their job, but please don’t insult my intelligence by saying you’re just trying to help me.  And keep your hands off my stuff!


Ha!  That is a laugh!  I do not believe that for one minute either that they are doing it to help us save money.  Who are they kidding?

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

The only time I saw greeters at a store was in the Chicago area.  We were there for a few months. Meijers, we don't even know how to pronounce it.


An elderly woman said hello to everyone who came in.  She also had a line leaving the store,  I never stopped.  Didn't know I was supposed to!  Leaving, I smiled and she just smiled back at me or waved.


About a year ago, I was in a department store and this guy went straight out the door ahead of me with a shopping cart filled to the gills with merchandise (men's clothes, suits, winter coats)  The tags were hanging all over them.  Nothing was bagged.  As I neared the door to leave I realized what he was doing.  I stopped dead in my tracks.  He glared at me.  I just started backing away from the doors.  Went to a cashier nearby and told her.  She was a very elderly woman and for a moment or two I was scared we were targets.  Imagined bullets coming through the doors at us.  He got in a van and they took off.  The woman called security, but I'm sure they were out of the mall parking lot within seconds.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

I don't go to Sam's but I know at Walmart they do seem to stop you if you have items which are not bagged.  I had a buggy that was really full yesterday but everything was bagged and I held my receipt out for them and they just waived me through.  I really think they check primarily for unbagged items and items which are large, such as electronics to make sure they are paid for.  I don't think it has anything to do really with you being over charged or double charged.  

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

Then customers end up paying for it via increased prices.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit


Honestly, I didn't know any store other than Walmart ever did that.


I've always just walked out, and no one has ever stopped me.  How could I have checked out, walk 20 feet and have shoplifted something in that area?  It's beyond stupid, and I just walk out.  


BTW ..... this article was in ?    How is this relevant to recipes?   

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@SeaMaiden Same here. It's NEVER bothered me one bit that they check.


I've never had my bags or boxes gone through. I get a line through my receipt, a cordial "have a good day" and I'm out the door.


I don't know why it bugs people.


@Love my grandkids 


So exactly what do you think was accomplished with that line on your receipt?    If you had a few bags with a total of 37 items, do they check the items against the receipt?   Why are they wasting the customers' time with this meaningless act?

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@Tinkrbl44 Was that meant to be a philosophical or sarcastic inquiry? LOL


I don't worry about it. They are doing a job. No biggie. End of story and end of discussion on my part.


Have a nice day!

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 Was that meant to be a philosophical or sarcastic inquiry? LOL


I don't worry about it. They are doing a job. No biggie. End of story and end of discussion on my part.


Have a nice day!


@Love my grandkids 


Just an honest question .... what does them stopping you and drawing a line through your receipt accomplish?    Who gets hired to draw lines through receipts?   Doesn't seem all that useful, and wastes peoples' time.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

Are most of us who take offense at being checked simply old enough when people DIDN'T CHEAT?


I actually remember when ALL of us were SO POOR that NOBODY or very VERY FEW of us TRIED to cheat.


Since I don't get out much, and haven't for THE LAST YEAR I feel GRATEFUL for ANY human contact, and at this point, that includes surly "checkers" who are for Heaven!s sake just doing a job (minimum wage?) for whatever reason some business has decided to pay for their service.


Good for them, and really, no reason for me to take umbrage over their presence, unless I'm thinking my umbrage supply is slipping too low.


Maybe we'd all be better off if we drop our umbrage by a notch or too. Like "the good old days".