@Ceci wrote:
Everything about this Pandemic has affected lives so much. Then other things went wrong in our life. Husband sick, adult son sick, both complicated health issues that wasn't there a year ago.
Me trying to shop, clean (used to have a cleaning crew), cooking, running everyone to doctors, picking up things they need and trying to find supplies for the house.
I feel exhausted. I'm afraid of picking up the virus for my own health and bringing it home to them.
We live in Florida, now they are predicting three hurricanes are possible in the next week.
Great! Just what I need to deal with on top of everything else. I thought, I can't wait for New Years Day! I'll buy myself a bottle of champagne and drink it all myself! Can't really do that, but nice thing to dream about.
Has anyone else found that this year has brought so much stress and problems to your lives that seem out-of-the-ordinary?
It feels like bad Karma. Wonder if anyone is in astrology, numerology, or some other kind of type of predicting the future?
I figure we'll now get hit with three hurricanes, destroy the house and lose everything. I'm just getting really depressed over everything.
The Covid numbers have not gone down and they opened the schools fully. I feel things will only go down hill fast.
Any Astrologers out there?
I'm not into Astrology per se, but 2020 hasn't been a great year for me either. 2018 was the worst though. I'm sorry about the hurricanes. That's stressful. Monday, my wallet got stolen with a lot of cash in it ($500) and all my credit cards, driver's license, healthcare card, HSA card, etc. etc. etc. It's been a mess. I was careless with it at a Panera Bread doing some paperwork, someone was obviously watching me, and I was an easy target due to not being enough aware of my surrroundings. Within 20 minutes the thief had charged $1400 on gift cards, used my debit card and even attempted a Nordstrom.com order. I'm now fearful of identity fraud and don't like he has my license and other personal information.
Needless to say, I learned a lesson.
I am grateful I was not harmed and he didn't take the whole purse--took the wallet.
Anyway, sorry for what you and many others are going through now. That's one of the reasons I would be fearful of living in Florida--the hurricanes. Best wishes!
"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"