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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

I have been going to Costco for years....the receipt checkers just put a line through my receipt and I am on my way.  They never check anything. No big deal

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@SeaMaiden Same here. It's NEVER bothered me one bit that they check.


I've never had my bags or boxes gone through. I get a line through my receipt, a cordial "have a good day" and I'm out the door.


I don't know why it bugs people.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@caroln242 , I had the opposite problem.  I actually got out of Costco with an item they didn't charge me for: a Keurig Coffee maker in the Costco configuration.  I didn't realize the problem until I got the flyer for the following month, which offered $30 off the price I thought I'd paid.  I went back through my receipts for the month and found they hadn't charged me for the Keurig.  I did go in and confess the error, paid the reduced price and now have a place to return it if it fails in the future.  I just didn't feel right keeping it for "free."  



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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

I have noted and questioned the efficiency of receipt\cart comparison as I leave and show my receipt at Sam's.  I can have 10 items spread out in cart and employee will check two or three items.  Then I see overflowing carts that get same treatment.  Not hard to see inappropriateness of this procedure.  


I totally understand how things can easily walk out of stores like this, especially with push to self  checkout.   Sad but true.  


Oh. They no longer put line through receipts.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

What a crock of you know what! Years ago I worked at Sam's as a greeter, and I can assure you that checking the receipt is strictly for keeping unpaid merchandise from going out the door. The cashiers probably cringed when I was at work since I took my job seriously, and keeping a record of unpaid items included writing down which cashier was responsible for the transaction. Most greeters/receipt checkers don't do their job and just let people walk right out the door. People sometimes got irritated when I noticed something in their cart wasn't on the receipt, but I was doing the job I was being paid to do. Trust me, greeters/receipt checkers are not there to save you money or simply "greet" the customers.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

As unnerving as it sometimes is, I would wager they catch a great deal of theft by this practice. It might also serve as a deterrent to some shoppers with a propensity for theft, since not all shoppers play by the rules.😁


I am in favor of any retailer's efforts at profit preservation.👍



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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

We were at Costco on Friday, the exit person never came out from his plexiglass covered podium, we put the receipt in the slot, he put the big black line through it and that was the end of that.  I don't think he even looked up to see if we even had a cart. 

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

If they are checking for theft, I'm glad.  Do you really not believe that the cost of stolen items is just added back in and we all pay for it?

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@SeaMaiden Same here. It's NEVER bothered me one bit that they check.


I've never had my bags or boxes gone through. I get a line through my receipt, a cordial "have a good day" and I'm out the door.


I don't know why it bugs people.

As I mentioned in my original post, I don't mind showing my receipt.  I know people are just doing their job.  What annoys me is them telling me they're not checking receipts to check for theft, but they're trying to help me by checking for errors or missed promotions.  They must think we're all stupid...and THAT is what "bugs" me.

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Re: Showing receipt at store exit

Preach it! @caroln242  -- This is a huge pet peeve for me.  I can't believe "we the people" submit to the exit police so easily.  Then again, we're submitting to a lot of things lately. I pray one day we all wake up!!!