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Re: Shower/Wedding Invitations

[ Edited ]
Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Shower/Wedding Invitations

I was just in the middle of this dilemma myself.  I offered to mail out the invitations and receive the RSVPs for a bridal shower for a family member. When she gave me the invite list, there were a bunch of people from out of state - 800 miles away.  I felt a little embarrassed that they would think I was inviting them knowing full well they wouldn't attend.

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Re: Shower/Wedding Invitations

@riley1 wrote:

Personally, I would not send a gift. You really don't know this person, haven't been close through many years, etc. I certainly wouldn't feel guilty about anything - I'm over trying to please others.


@riley1- let's just say I'm working on your attitude. I'm not there yet but I'm trying!

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: Shower/Wedding Invitations

With an engagement coming in the very near future I'm so glad I have already made the decision about having a small bridal luncheon instead of an over the top shower.


When it comes to the wedding, at most there will be 25 from our side of the family.  I'm not even inviting neighbors that watched her grow up. 


I don't know what the total guest list will be however we won't be paying for the whole wedding.  Instead we will give them a certain amount to do with what they see fit. 





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Re: Shower/Wedding Invitations

@sunala- You go girl! It will come in time.

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Re: Shower/Wedding Invitations


@Imaoldhippie wrote:

You wont be a horrible person for not sending a gift.  What, like its going to make them contact you less?

@LOL...I like this one