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Say it Ain't So

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I heard a rumor in my community over the weekend and and I verified it today.  The Rehoboth Beach outlet store is closing.  The last day is December 31.  It will be missed by me and lot of other folks in the Rehoboth area.Smiley Mad

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Please don't hate me for saying this: I'm not surprised as it's NOT what it once was. I stopped going in there a few years ago because it was dirty, the merchandise was dirty, worn..... the whole place was just unclean on many levels.


10 years plus ago I purchased Waterford, gold, gemstones at wonderful prices and the quality was excellent. Now, it's....very different.

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Have you been there in the past year?  Just wondering, as it has been completely redone and it is immaculate.  I am only here about 3.5 years so I can only compare it to the place before the renovation and it is really beautiful now.


As I said, I can't speak to the merchandise and I would beleive that as I used to be able to buy things at Lands End and never fear that the size would be wrong.  I have now stopped ordering from them as the sizes are no longer consistent and neither is the quality in many cases.



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Re: Say it Ain't So

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@dude-e  No, I haven't. We stopped going after a family member found a disgusting object in the pocket of a pair of womens' slacks. Each year it seemed to get worse and worse, sadly. That was a few years ago when we finally said enough.



Odd that they would do all that work to then close it. I do know it was always busy; wonder if traffic had slowed down over time.

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We will be riding up to Rehobeth on Saturday to visit the Hunt & Lane Indonesian furniture store on Wilmington Ave but I am going to slide up to the outlets to check that out. I was in the outlet about 2 years ago and it was chaotic and yea, kinda dirty and seedy.

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According to my neighbor who had heard it from a friend, she said the same thing.  The response was even with the reno's the rent increase over time made it cost ineffective.  I have noticed over the past three years here a phenomenon that is puzzling to me albeit not reserved for here alone.  The greedy landlords would rather keep a vacant store than negotiate a fair increase. It never makes sense to me to have a vacant store, since you  are still paying the taxes.  I would  rather negotiate an escalating increase than leave a store vacant but that is just me.

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@dude-e  If the property is vacant, the landlord can write it off as a loss/business expense on their taxes. It's a win-win for them.


When the tidal wave of foreclosures hit years ago, I couldn't understand why a bank would keep a house instead of accepting a contract on it (shortsale) that was $10-20,000 less than the mortgage. Wouldn't it be better to have the property sold than sitting there, falling apart for years? 


NO. It was better because they could write it off as an expense and then when it sold, write off the difference as a loss.


Lessons learned, let me tell you. Landlords/bank do NOTHING that will cost THEM money, trust me.

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My DH and I went to the outlet twice ... one-two years ago.  Both times it was a huge disappointment.  

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I went there a few years ago and was really disappointed.  What a mess!  Honestly, I'm surprised it's lasted this long.  

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What part of the country is this?