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@Big Sister wrote:

I try to get in the habit of say, "Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you" when someone asks me an awkward question and catches me off-guard.

Such a good idea, @Big Sister.

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taja123 wrote:

Big Sister wrote:

I try to get in the habit of say, "Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you" when someone asks me an awkward question and catches me off-guard.

Such a good idea, @Big Sister.


The only thing that would drive somebody like me crazy with that is that it would still be hanging over my head.   You know they are not going to just drop the ball at that point and wait to hear back from you.


I'd rather just get it over with in one fell swoop.  done and done.  Smiley Happy  


But, that's just me.   Stuff that is still transitional tends to stress me out.  I like to finish things and move from them.

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I live in a warm climate & get company in the winter, they seem to not know me when it's a hot summer. I never get invited to see them. Yes, we rent cars, stay at hotels because I know how hard it is. Family members are the worse, they want to stay for 2 weeks , pick them up at airports & want to be entertained everyday. I had a family member call me & say guess what you are doing this date to that date, they already made planefares without talking to me. Well that weekend my DD was moving out of the house to an apt & I told him NO not that weekend we even talked months before telling him she was moving out of my house. Well, he didn't take it well & hasn't talked to me in 3yrs. I apologized said come the weekend before or after still he wasn't happy. Just making beds & fresh towels plus getting their special foods in the house before they even arrive then when they leave all the washing of linens & getting things back is hard. Don't you just love rude family members?

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@Yardlie,  You handled it beautifully.  And the nerve of her to come to your home and expect you to do everything.  That is rude.  I would not have them again.  With your sick mother, you have enough on your plate.  Think of you first and your family.  Cat Very Happy    I hope your mother is doing well.

kindness is strength
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First of all, I would never go to someones house to stay overnight without being invited first.   Even if invited I would never take my dog and anyone other than maybe one other person if they are invited.   That is what hotels are for.  If you cannot afford one stay home...

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Good for you standing up for you and your husband.  Glad to see you have a good backbone.  Just my opinion but there sounds like an alterer motive behind the visit.

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Good for you standing up for you and your husband.  Glad to see you have a good backbone.  Just my opinion but there sounds like an alterier motive behind the visit.

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Dontcha just love "We're family"?  I guess that just about covers it all!

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You managed this  CAN WE MOVE IN ON YOU?  request just right.  <smile>


I am at the stage (retired)  in my life I do not care for over night company at all.


My 88yo MIL stayed a very long week here over Christmas and I about lost my mind!  

We are very different, she is very RIGID and I am very relaxed.  (why DH married me) 

She goes to bed at 9PM and I go to bed around 1AM.   

MIL  eats at 7AM,  NOON and 6PM.  I eat when I am hungry and  not at 7AM!   

you get the idea....


You  do not need more stress (OVERNIGHT VISITORS)  in your life either.  Some folks do not have a clue, these people were rude  and inconsiderate to ask you to accomodate them.  


Try not to waste precious brain cells on this one...  <G>   


Keep Calm and Carry On,  CAT



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Registered: ‎01-22-2012

@chickenbutt wrote:

@febe1 wrote:

@Big Sister wrote:

I try to get in the habit of say, "Let me think about it, and I'll get back to you" when someone asks me an awkward question and catches me off-guard.

Such a good idea, @Big Sister.


The only thing that would drive somebody like me crazy with that is that it would still be hanging over my head.   You know they are not going to just drop the ball at that point and wait to hear back from you.


I'd rather just get it over with in one fell swoop.  done and done.  Smiley Happy  


But, that's just me.   Stuff that is still transitional tends to stress me out.  I like to finish things and move from them.

Yes, that's true, @chickenbutt, and I sure don't like it hanging about. What I would do is "reply" in writing. Then you can say the exact thing you want and in the kindest way. THE END.