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@Shelbelle wrote:

I remember he started out as Joey Bishop's sidekick in the late 60's on Bishops late night talk show. 


I remember that, too.  I also remember the night Regis walked off the show while it was still on air because Joey Bishop said something that hurt Regis's feelings or something, and Joey was begging him to come back to the studio.

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He had a lot of fans.  Sad news.

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A one of a kind.  Vibrant, funny.  Loved to affect a "bristling" persona, but so many have described him as a uniquely friendly presence.


His book, "How I Got This Way",  has been recommended.  Details his stint as Navy officer, and later fascinating, less-than-easy climb in show biz.



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@Jordan2 wrote:

I just read this on my Kindle, I am so sad. He was so personable, there is a good reason he holds the Guinness Book of World Records for logging in the most hours on tv, he was beloved. Condolences to his family, rest in peace Regis, you will be missed.


I agree with all of your comments. He deserved the many accolades he received. I feel very sad that he is gone. 

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So sorry to hear about his passing.  He really seemed like an awesome person!  I loved when he and Kathy Lee where on the show together.  So entertaining and so funny.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@Lindsays Grandma wrote:

I was saddened to read that Regis Philbine died.   It seems many of his stature have passed away recently.  Many of us in a certain age group remember them and they are total strangers to the younger age group.  Rest in peace Regis Philbin.


Its scary when so many around us are dying. Especially those born in the 30s and 40s.  Sheer terror every time I hear about someone dying in the news.

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Re: Regis Philbin, RIP

[ Edited ]

@KBEANS wrote:



Yes, Regis was an excellent television personality and a nice man. I had the privilege of meeting him on the subway back in the 90's while he and Kathie Lee were filming a segment. He was was so funny and took a liking to my young son. Michael was wearing a Notre Dame hat and a Celtics jacket. Regis ate that up, especially because N.D. was his alma mater. He was yelling, "The fighting Irish Mikey, let's go! "  They were throwing play punches, and breaking balls with each other.  He was acting like a kid. It was so sweet. Regis was a great storyteller. He could take the most simple story and expand on it and captivate an audience. I didn't notice that he had an accent. 😝 

I have a New York accent - and never realized that Regis had one as well. He probably had some speech lessons early on - to lose that accent - like most actors/celebrities.