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I am re-gifting an item this year...My granddaughter is expecting a baby late December, and I have a hand-crafted Christmas stocking that has a vintage santa face on the front...very nice and something I purchased years ago at a Yankee Peddler show. It is in great shape.


I no longer put it out at Christmas so this year I am going to find things for the new baby that are small enough to fit in the stocking for baby's's a win, gets presents and I am gifting the stocking to the baby.


I have also thought about taking a lantern that I no longer use/want and fill it with a  fall or Christmas scene...if I can do a nice job and feel like it is giftable I will do that...

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sp thoughtful of you!!


i changed my decorating habits, just doing a lot less and more thoughtful/meaningful pieces. 


i put everything out that i no longer wanted/needed and had my kids come over and take what they want.  it worked out great and i donated the rest.  


 i would have them come over and pick what the wanted.



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Re: Question re gifting

[ Edited ]

All good wishes for your health, patriot3. 


If they live far away, ask the grands if there is any ornament they especailly remember or like. 


When I moved recently, I gave most of my  my Christmas ornaments to the Goodwill folks, a wonderful group in my former city, 


They told me they gave them away to needy families. I was delighted to hear it.


(They kept my Belleek for sale, though  Smiley Happy

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When my mother was in the nursing home with dementia, I gave them her Christmas decor items.  The front desk hung and displayed them for all to enjoy.


Perhaps similar type places would welcome your basement items.....

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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@Patriot3 Talk to them and explain the situation. Ask them to come over and choose the things they would like to have.

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Re: Question re gifting

[ Edited ]

Ask first and preface that an answer of "no thanks" is perfectly fine and there won't be any hard feelings. Sorry if this sounds insensitive but even if YOU think the decorations are nice, unless the grandkids are older with their own homes and may want a piece or two, it sounds like you're passing your trash along and making someone else deal with your collection. Ask each grandchild once, if they want to pick anything out, then drop the subject.  Bring the decorations to a resale shop or donate them somewhere. 

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I would ask, and let them choose.  I can't imagine anyone minding you offering. I don't think I would give like a gift, wrapped up though.  I am 76, and have 8 grands ranging from 19-35. They are always going thru my stuff. And here in California thrifting, and regifting is huge with their age group.  But, they are of a different breed when it comes to household stuff.   I have 8 sets of China, real sterling silverware that is almost 100 hrs old, and some antiques. I have asked..they just don't use it. And although I don't use the China, here in California,most thrift stores don't take it as donations because of  lead content. Sigh.  Who'd a thunk it?  We used to,treasure this stuff.   My poor mom, would be so upset and sad her things weren't being reused after me. 

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I would ask them first rather than gifting them with things they may not want. Let them come over and check out what you have. If they don’t want anything then donate to your local thrift store. But ask them first.
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If you check and grands dpnt take it all, and you live in a neighborhood that allows, you might want to think about leaving stuff on your curb for others to take. Ive never not had anything left by the end of the day when i put stuff out. Keeps me from having to trash it or take to Goodwill (which is not a bad idea if still in selling condition). 


You can slso call shelters to see if they need decorations. 


One time, driving by around my corner, i saw one of my things I had curbside at someone's garage sale. ( They have one once a month so they do this curb picking often.)  Good on them! 

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@Patriot3 wrote:

I have so many nice indoor decorations from all seasons.  I have heart failure and just don't have the energy to decorate like I used to. 


So, I am wondering....what's your opinion that I start gifting these pieces to my grandchildren.  Have any of you done this and do you think the gc appreciate this gesture?


They are all good people, all married but one and I have a good relationship w/all of them.  TIA!!

ask/email/text if anyone wants anything, arrange a time for pick up
tell them if not claimed by XX date will go in trash


and stick to it