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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I don't shop WalMart anything so I am not commenting on them.


The stores' delivery for our local grocery stores are horrible.  This following is per one of the stores' people.  They let the groceries sit on the dock until they get enough deliveries to make it worth it.  Sometime she has had to pull frozen items to replace because the ice cream was melted.  This is from a phone call we had because of an experience I had.  Then I watch them make three deliveries before mine and things are not cold anymore.


Therefore I use instacart.  They do the shopping and then bring it right to my house.  Things are still cold/frozen.  I can specifiy what I want and they text if it is out of stock to see if I want a replacement.  I have had an instacart person shopping Costco for me take pics of the types of dolls they had for me to select the one I wanted.  


IMO I tip well.  It is worth it to me.  I am using them because I either just don't want to or can't get out to do the shopping.   For me it is a much-appreciated service they offer.



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,663
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@Zhills wrote:

I use delivery service for everything!  I always tip my driver 20%.  They don't make much. 


One guy told me I was one of the better tippers. 


Always get a good driver...often the same ones!


Ordering dinner tonight!

@Zhills , yeah, one of the delivery guys told me when I rate them I guess it is easier for them to track and then if they are working when my order comes in they can grab it.  


I can't remember if it is doordash or instacart that states your order may be grabbed based on tip (gist).