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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers



First thing tomorrow I'm signing up my husband as a Walmart grocery delivery  driver!  So if they average $10 per delivery, they'd have to make 10,000 deliveries to make $100,000/year.  That's 27.4 deliveries a day.  Walmart may be exaggerating just a little.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Thanks everyone for your input on tipping WalMart delivery drivers. I appreciate it

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

[ Edited ]

@Sugipine  wrote:

My comment about 'nice cars' was not meant to throw shade on anyone nor was it questioning the driver of such cars. It was suppose to be a compliment. Woman Frustrated



And neither was mine to throw shade, sorry if I offended some!

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I get my groceries from either AMZ fresh or use the Instacart App--and there is a delivery fee, under $35 for orders,  for both of those--then there is sales tax for the few items that are taxed--not food---and then there is the drivers tip. I usually start  at $6 and if all is well with my order--after I've inspected it all--I will usually up it by a couple bucks---but I can also eliminate that tip too. Had one delivery that was a hot mess but didn't know I could take the tip away. I know now!!

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

leave at least 10% to less than that.

i have even left up to 20% depending on what is ordered, the weather, and how heavy the order is. we do orders from walmart+ and sams club.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Often wonder if the delivery drivers calculate how much they're netting after gas, wear and tear on their vehicle.  It's not worth it in the long run from what I've read.



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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

[ Edited ]

@Sunshine Kate wrote:

Often wonder if the delivery drivers calculate how much they're netting after gas, wear and tear on their vehicle.  It's not worth it in the long run from what I've read.



@Sunshine Kate A good reason to tip well.  We depend on the delivery service often.  We almost always do pickups, but that is easy for us at this point. 

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@cindyNC wrote:

Wow - it's kind of funny conversation.  I remember something called "the millionaire next door" which was very very successful people who drove regular non-luxury cars.  


Maybe these delivery positions are second jobs for some people. Or maybe the car is used and well kept. Who knows!


My car is a 2007 toyota that looks atrocious. It doesn't reflect my financial state, but I am a "saver" and there is nothing wrong with it mechanically. 


I thought the tips for Walmart delivery were figured in......but I may have them mixed up with another service. 

@cindyNC   I thought we were the only ones with an older Toyota camry .  Ours is a 2016 , runs well , we keep it up well , no dents , pings etc.   maintain it through the dealer, one of my brothers works there so we are sure of getting the best service.   Now we also have a Rav 4 , which I mainly drive , that was turned in early , a lease from 2022 .  My brother checked it out and said it was perfect , looks brand new ,  and a great price !  We always used to get a new car every 6 yrs,  and we may do that in the future , but for now with the economy the way it is we are happy with our 2 cars.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

[ Edited ]

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

I don't think it is appropriate to tip delivery folks. They are paid for their labor already at an agreed upon rate. It not like waiters and waitresses where they're paid below minimum wage with the expectation of tips coming. I think it is very strange to tip everyone just because you're grateful to them. You can be grateful without giving people money. My car insurance agent helped me with a problem recently....did I send him a extra $20? Of course should hang on to your money and say thank you if you like. 


@Goldengate8361   I don't know where you live, but many delivery drivers are "independent contractors" that are not paid a lot, sometimes nothing but tips.  Same with nail techs.  I generally tip like @Sugipine or more, depending on the circumstances.  I usually know the business and have an idea about their practices.  I tip people who work for delivery apps.  They are underpaid.  Some delivery people are paid by their employers and do not require tips like Amazon.  They just leave things by the door, there is no tip option checking out.  When a restaurant uses its own delivery people, the tips are generally shared as in the restaurant.  These deliverers are usually restaurant workers.


PS - I don't shop Walmart, so I don't know about them.  I use their online service a couple of times and it was terrible.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I use delivery service for everything!  I always tip my driver 20%.  They don't make much. 


One guy told me I was one of the better tippers. 


Always get a good driver...often the same ones!


Ordering dinner tonight!