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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Wow - it's kind of funny conversation.  I remember something called "the millionaire next door" which was very very successful people who drove regular non-luxury cars.  


Maybe these delivery positions are second jobs for some people. Or maybe the car is used and well kept. Who knows!


My car is a 2007 toyota that looks atrocious. It doesn't reflect my financial state, but I am a "saver" and there is nothing wrong with it mechanically. 


I thought the tips for Walmart delivery were figured in......but I may have them mixed up with another service. 

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

[ Edited ]

My comment about 'nice cars' was not meant to throw shade on anyone nor was it questioning the driver of such cars. It was suppose to be a compliment. Woman Frustrated

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I am so grateful for the delivery drivers that I have no problem providing nice tips. As I often joke, I want people fighting to make my deliveries because I am  a good tipper! 

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I order heavy items from Costco using Instacart once a month or so.  I am impressed by the professionalism of many of the delivery people and I do notice their cars...I'm not blind 😏😊  I tip at least $15.  Deliveries to me include coming into a lobby situation and taking two elevators to reach my door.  

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@Sugipine wrote:

Some of the delivery drivers have really nice cars...I mean really nice, expensive ones. Makes me wonder about their tips. They must be doing something right. Woman LOL


Perhaps it's their side gig to help pay for the car.  The few times I have something delivered, I really do not pay attention to what they are driving, so I have no idea. :-)

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I live in a one story home and my groceries are left at my front door.


I tip WM+ drivers by the amount and weight of each order.  Usually it's about 15%.  I so appreciate the delivery drivers as they make my life easier.   I don't care what they drive, there doing a great service for me.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@monicakm wrote:

I don't know if they are compensated for the mileage from WM or not.  They have charged us about $8.50 per trip.  I was telling my daughter and she said I have a setting in the WM+ app where I can adjust it.  If what I'm paying is all they get as compensation/tip, I'll leave it but if they do get their mileage compensated by WM, I'll adjust it some.


When I order in the app it usually gives a suggested tip amount thats 10% of the order total -- I can adjust it to whatever I want.  It also states that 100% of the tip goes directly to the driver.  I generally just round up to the next whole dollar for the tip.



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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

My local WalMart recently has signs all over the parking lot recruiting delivery drivers.  The signs state "make up to $100,000 a year being a delivery driver" 

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@SoCal Bred 


Or they're in debt up to their ears and have to deliver groceries to make their car payment.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers



Delivery to me includes driving onto a circular Drive and parking in front of a sidewalk then carrying the groceries about 15 ft to my front door. They aren't allowed to come in so she sits the groceries in the entryway. My husband or I take it from there. The store is 15 Mi away. I'm shocked they come out this far. I think a kiss from

Frankiedoodle would be the best tip 😙