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Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I don't know if they are compensated for the mileage from WM or not.  They have charged us about $8.50 per trip.  I was telling my daughter and she said I have a setting in the WM+ app where I can adjust it.  If what I'm paying is all they get as compensation/tip, I'll leave it but if they do get their mileage compensated by WM, I'll adjust it some.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@monicakm.  I don't think their mileage is paid by Walmart.  In my area, the delivery drivers actually work for GrubHub.  I assume other areas have a similar arrangement

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Far as I know here they work under Sparks App. They pay them. The delivery people still want a tip. Everyone wants a tip today.

With the price of groceries it's hard for a lot of people to pay the Wal-Mart yearly fee plus tips to get things delivered?

Wal-Mart should hire their own people to make deliveries. Wal-Mart can afford it???  

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I think about 10% of a large shopping bill is a good amount to tip the delivery driver and more if they have to tread bad weather, carry your order up stairs or walk a long ways from where they park. At least $5 minimum.

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

@Sugipine wrote:

I think about 10% of a large shopping bill is a good amount to tip the delivery driver and more if they have to tread bad weather, carry your order up stairs or walk a long ways from where they park. At least $5 minimum.

@Sugipine I agree.  I am tipping more than 10% now because I am able and I assume they need the money--it's a gratitude thing.  Our deliveries are mostly Walmart.


I do know that they load up where the pickups are made. Once in awhile, the delivery comes in the Walmart truck.


I do know that the tip is in both the app and the regular Walmart site on line--which is where I order.  You have choices of a percentage or a customized amount, and have like a day or so after the delivery to amend the amount.


It's easy!  

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Some of the delivery drivers have really nice cars...I mean really nice, expensive ones. Makes me wonder about their tips. They must be doing something right. Woman LOL

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers


Sorry, this is a little off topic, but I had to laugh when I read your post because it reminded me of when I used to get my nails done every 2 weeks before I retired and while parking my car I would see several of the nail technicians parking their vehicles at the same time and boy they drove some really nice expensive cars!   I said to myself they must get tipped really well, lol.




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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Maybe someone working and driving a nice car is someone divorced and having a hard time keeping going on one salary or none, who has kids in college, someone in the nursing home and they are working to pay the bill, inherited the car, just likes to work, thinks people should work, etc.


A million reasons not to question someone's ride.  A couple of millionaires I know drive vehicles a lot of us wouldn't be seen in.  You'd be tipping them well!  And they would be extremely happy to take it!  Woman LOL

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

I don't think it is appropriate to tip delivery folks. They are paid for their labor already at an agreed upon rate. It not like waiters and waitresses where they're paid below minimum wage with the expectation of tips coming. I think it is very strange to tip everyone just because you're grateful to them. You can be grateful without giving people money. My car insurance agent helped me with a problem recently....did I send him a extra $20? Of course should hang on to your money and say thank you if you like. 

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Re: Question About Tipping WM+ Delivery Drivers

Ah, expensive cars as an indication of wealth.  Shades of throwing shade from the past.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.