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President Carter is doing well

There's no evidence of his cancer spreading !


Wishing him the absolute best.

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Re: President Carter is doing well

I wish him nothing but the best . He and his wife have done so much good in the world.

They are an inspiration.

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Re: President Carter is doing well

Hi @Lila Belle,


I read this earlier today and had posted an NBC story on moonchilde's thread.  His therapy is working and that's great news.  Smiley Happy

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Re: President Carter is doing well

Oh I 'm sorry I didn't see your post !

This good news can't be shared enough huh ? : )

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Re: President Carter is doing well

no, no,..don't apologize!  I was just sharing and agreeing with your post. Heart

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Re: President Carter is doing well

It is so sad about his cancer.  He has lived a long life and it is so unfair that near the end he has to deal  with that.  He and Mrs. Carter have lived a long fruitful life, they are very good people and I wish them nothing but the best in their remaining years.

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Re: President Carter is doing well

I admire President Carter for the good and kind heart he has and pray that his cancer remisses.....

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Re: President Carter is doing well

President Carter is a good man... His attributes are clearly seen. He lives as a humble man who has a moral compass to make the world a much better place.


Sending him positive thoughts to continue to feel well and keeping the progression of his cancer at bay.

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Re: President Carter is doing well

Have to tell you all.....even though I'm not a former President, I too have been battling the same kind of cancer he is now battling.......   Believe me, it is no picnic.  The first 4 treatments I had were the same that President Carter has been having   And now I am on a chemo treatment called OPDIVO......there have been many commercials on TV about this.  I get my treatments every 2 weeks.  I don't know if he will be having this same kind of treatment or not......but had to take the Yervoy first before I could get this one I am on.    Didn't have near the side affects with the first 4 treatments as I have had with the one I am on now.


About 3 weeks ago I had another PETscan and the results were good.  There is no activity going on with my 3 places I have the cancer, and they are all decreasing in size.  For that I thank God.......  And hopefully I will be able to go into remission.   


He does have a few years on me......but let me tell you, age does not mean anything when you have cancer and are getting treatments.  It is hard to go through. 


Believe me, I am happy for him that he is doing so well. 

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Re: President Carter is doing well

I think President Carter is universally admired.  He is one of those people that has crossed political barriers with his humanity.  He has proven, by his actions, who he really is.  A patient, kind, caring person with strong morals and a deep faith that radiates from him.  He doesn't preach, he DOES.  He is someone who in his determined, humble ways has changed the world in many small ways.  I really care for him and his wife.