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@Yahooey : I was doing research the other day thinking that maybe an induction cook top would be easier to use instead of my gas cooktop. My cook top sits up high and trying  to hold onto counter top and stir a pot is difficult and scary.


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yes - the cooktop should be flushed with your counter


maybe an inch or 2 shorter than ur gas cookstop

but the best is the cleanup - there really isn't any


quick wipe  and it is clean - like cleaning a flat counter

no lifting of grates - no divots and crevices where food fell


only thing is the top is slippery

when i stir a pot (w;o holding onto handle) - sometimes the pot will move outside the circle where it needs to sit in order to cook bc it is so smooth


good luck 


Screenshot 2024-09-15 at 5.10.28 PM.png

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@cowboy sam 


pancakes will do what pancakes do


only thing u can do is to support your friend


she should have kept her flapjack shut

i'm sure the neighbor is already anxious and dont need the (*&^%$ spewing forth

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@Yahooey : Thanks for the information. Still not sure what to do. The grates now fills  heavy and difficult to clean. 

Today: I put my cooking pot on the counter top and filled with the defrosted soup , then had to lift the pot and put on the cook top.

DH has never really liked any meals that  I cook in a crock pot. My only options are to use the pressure cooker. The only things he likes with the pressure cooker are ribs,  pork or roast. It's still expensive using Uber Eats and Grub Hub especially when I prefer something  different and place two different orders.

I am trying to save money for a wheel chair  and for extra expenses for the holidays. I have two more payments for my recliner. If the warranty company does  not repair his recliner that will be another purchase. Just like everyone else dealing with increased prices on everything. Trying to research and spend wisely.


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@Yahooey @cowboy sam : Totally agree.🤗❤

@Yahooey wrote:

@cowboy sam 


pancakes will do what pancakes do


only thing u can do is to support your friend


she should have kept her flapjack shut

i'm sure the neighbor is already anxious and dont need the (*&^%$ spewing forth


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Registered: ‎07-09-2010



just remember the cooktop will be more delicate than grates

i know you have a difficult lifting - so if u bang the pot on the top 


it might crack - something to consider

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@Yahooey : That is something to consider.🙄😯

@Yahooey wrote:



just remember the cooktop will be more delicate than grates

i know you have a difficult lifting - so if u bang the pot on the top 


it might crack - something to consider


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dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


@SouthernBee @Yahooey @geezerette @loveschocolate @Mj12 @NEvans2 @MyShadowLove @PamfromCT 


I am unhappy  as my hp printer didn't want to print after a computer windows 10 update  and i made it worse by changing settings,etc..😣🤐😫 now checking out  for a new one...all the pros/cons...and i need help...i want to print from computer, make copies from? etc   but not from tracfone..... sigh

any sugestions??


My computer is a windows 10  and use my wifi    for printer...and i think thats how it is uninstalled or lost...but computer tells me its installed  and needed to hook up to wifi...but it won't...i even deleted printer  and tried to reinstall it but somehow i must have really messed it up!Smiley Sad




lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@cowboy sam : My DH has a computer and uses windows 10. DH checking to tell you what to do: Use System Restore.  DH stated he hasn't had this problem when computer updated and his wireless printer continued to work. But you should be able to set it back a couple of months but stated : Do this first: Cut  the printer power source  off for a few minutes and  then reconnect. If didn't work then try the system restore.🤗❤🙏🙏🙏

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015


Thank your dh for me



I did unplug printer from its back....waited a bit  and replugged it back in....


i was going to do the reset  but it told me i couldn't because i had a new update withing the last 1o days...sigh!


I wonder if i can uninstall last upday from 2 days ago??

If so... would it help...i'm going to check it out now.


thank you🤗

lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."