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This has been my experience also. They know they are aggravating you too.Woman Mad I had one squirrel that took a perfectly beautiful plump tomato and placed it on a branch right outside of my window where my computer is. He left it there taunting me until it fell.Woman Surprised

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LoveHeart those Hello  kitty  items in your pictures!


About ebay..some will accept best offers on items...

.So,don't be afraid to ask  and offer a lower offer.If you don'tsee  it on "contact seller"...and in another page will come up with a box with options...just write in the  blank   part  contact seller.


If i do...i aways I say how much i admire( Love or like)the item...then i make a offer.and thank then for taking the time to read my offer.


If they don't accept...well , some might give you another offer on item...or look to see if another seller has lower price or shipping cost...


also check their % ratings from other buyers..i buy from sellers that have97%- 99+%,etc.....also check if people have given negative rating.


Good luck on buying a glass piggy bankHeart


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 16,376
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart

@MyShadowLove @tiny 2 @SouthernBee @Yahooey @geezerette @dooBdoo @loveschocolate @JaneMarple @Bri369 @Mj12 


I have gotten word Friday that a younger sister 74 years old passed away FridaySmiley Sad


Pancake sis has already caused problems for me.Telling me that  our niece  and her dad    don't Smiley Surprisedwant me there!


I don't think i will be able to go as the drive is 4 hours away  and wake is Wed. afternoon...then go back to hotel room,

then Funeral Thursday..and not sure if another night stay at motel....then 4 hour drive back!

All that riding,stress from wake&furneral, plus sitting at funeral home  will be good for my fibro  and arthritis in my  neck, back and right hip!Smiley Frustrated


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,380
Registered: ‎01-05-2015



@cowboy sam ...I am so happy to see you!...I hope you are doing well!...You have been missed and I have been worried about our "Fashionista".


How can one not fall in love with those adorable "Hello Kitty"  decor and accessories!...Pottery Barn has such a wonderful selection!


Thanks for the info about Ebay...I usually stay with the main and well-known stores as I tend to be very cautious where i do my online shopping.


Lubs Ya!  Heart



eta:...I just saw your other post about your younger sister passing away!...I am so very sorry and send my heartfelt condolences.


How selfish and insensitive of Pancake Sis to continue with her negative behavior even during a time like this....Do what is best for you as I'm sure your younger sister would understand...You can honor her memory in your own special way.


Sending ((((Hugs))))  Heart 






~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Posts: 16,376
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

@Yahooey wrote:



i have never bought from ebay - etsy - just main sites

@cowboy sam our fashionista have bought from ebay

she would know best


i keep a log - bc i always think i will remember and i dont

so i label and know what plant is what - and what i'm giving away


my niece is partial to sungold cherry - she has a large pot and plants 2 cherry tomato plants

the 2nd cherry tomato  - is brad's atomic grape tomato - she has no idea what to expect - my first time growing this also

isnt it purdy?

Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 8.51.56 PM.png




i am also giving her a reg size tomato this year - we shall see how that fares since large tomatoes need bigger space 


i buy seeds bc you can find such diff varieties and that is so fun




they are like @MyShadowLove said.."purrdy!"

You find the best variety of seeds and unusal ones.🤗🙄 no try gardening at all..  

my pancake sis is alreading nagging me to have somone to use weedcutter  in part of flower bed next to house...😡.


i will let them grow to annoy her!Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 21,291
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam 


Oh no.  I'm so sorry to hear about your younger sister.  Was she ill?  Were you close?


That pancake sis is quite the deal, isn't she?  Don't let her get to you with this.  

But I can understand your not being able to go if it's that far away.  That would be an awful burden for you.  I sometimes think of the same thing with my sisters, who live in a different state.  There's no way I could go to their services.  I barely manage to go the five miles into my own town.


I'm sure the family members understand your situation.  It's hard enough getting older, but losing friends and family is sad.  I hope you're doing ok.

Lubs ya.❤️

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Posts: 16,376
Registered: ‎06-15-2015


Thusday...her  married  went to visit her and daughter saw how ill she was  and called for a ambulance...i heard they had to recitate her on way to hospitalSmiley Sad


They had to put her on a resperator./ventalor?.....they ran tests..her heart was barely beating  and well she was dying  but were going to run more tests  for brain damage

Saturday  but she died Friday. They coudn't save her.


Were we close?  yes she would be at panckes house once or twice each summer for the past few years.


Last summer...she looked very wore out/tired  and went home early...but she  and i gave each other lots of hugsHeart

I;m missing her so much right now.


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,291
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam wrote:


Thusday...her  married  went to visit her and daughter saw how ill she was  and called for a ambulance...i heard they had to recitate her on way to hospitalSmiley Sad


They had to put her on a resperator./ventalor?.....they ran tests..her heart was barely beating  and well she was dying  but were going to run more tests  for brain damage

Saturday  but she died Friday. They coudn't save her.


Were we close?  yes she would be at panckes house once or twice each summer for the past few years.


Last summer...she looked very wore out/tired  and went home early...but she  and i gave each other lots of hugsHeart

I;m missing her so much right now.


lubs ya!Heart

@cowboy sam 


Oh sweetie, I'm so so sorry.😢 



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Posts: 12,739
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

@cowboy sam 


sending  💜 ♥️ ❤️ 💛 💙 to you my friend


ur sis knows that you lubs her and if you cannot attend the services

it is in NO way a reflection of your lubs for one another


your health is also important and the drive with all that sitting will bring havoc

ur sis knows this in heaven 👼 



Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,983
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@cowboy sam wrote:

dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart

@MyShadowLove @tiny 2 @SouthernBee @Yahooey @geezerette @dooBdoo @loveschocolate @JaneMarple @Bri369 @Mj12 


I have gotten word Friday that a younger sister 74 years old passed away FridaySmiley Sad


Pancake sis has already caused problems for me.Telling me that  our niece  and her dad    don't Smiley Surprisedwant me there!


I don't think i will be able to go as the drive is 4 hours away  and wake is Wed. afternoon...then go back to hotel room,

then Funeral Thursday..and not sure if another night stay at motel....then 4 hour drive back!

All that riding,stress from wake&furneral, plus sitting at funeral home  will be good for my fibro  and arthritis in my  neck, back and right hip!Smiley Frustrated


lubs ya!Heart


@cowboy sam 


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. It does sound like the trip there and back would be very difficult for you.