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@cowboy sam : I received our property tax pre bill today and scared to open it because of increase prices on everything. Thankfully no increase . The assessed property value increased $27,000.

Contractor came this morning to look at the laundry closet . I had simple solution : existing space-Instead of folding doors install sliding barn door-  that will give more room to extend forward. Then on each side extend out giving enough room to have space between washer and dryer to move . Then on inside wall build shelves on one side which would be easier for me to reach since I am short.

His ideas more extensive construction to the side of the room and looking like a big square room built inside the family room. He said my idea would not be centered on each side and look strange . Yet with his idea the dinning table needed to be placed under the window next to the back door. Oh well. 

DH just thought about someone else in the church that actually works for a contractor and does jobs on the side. He will be here Tuesday night and hope he has some better options.🤗❤

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gm  oops its good afternoon now dear predsHeart and friendsHeart

@SouthernBee @geezerette @MyShadowLove @Yahooey @dooBdoo 

@PamfromCT @SoX @Drythe @4kitties @NEvans2 @qualitygal @loveschocolate @GenXmuse @Mj12 @Bri36 



@JaneMarple   been thinking about you and hope your off the couch a bit more now🤗also thinking about your dear sister and hope she is still in remissionSmiley Wink...Curt isn't quite there yet but blood testing now in 20s.


Neighbor came over last night to get her mail from me.Told me she was surprised that the house was still clean,and only one plate in sink...but he didn't put towels in washer  that he used all week..he didn't think he needed too i guess...i lol when she told me.


Told me it was hot,humid,had mosquitos in Minn. and fish were not biting until day before the came back.They put the female fish back in the water they caught because they were spawning.


Another sunny,hot 90+ day here again!

However i did walk" half a street" and back before dark last night!


think i will watch mens golf nowSmiley Very Happy


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

@geezerette wrote:




me needs this shirt also as i 


lubs itHeart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

GM Preds & friends! I just got home from an MRI. Not a fan! Smiley LOL


Now I need to go water the veggie garden. It's been a bit neglected lately.

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@Mj12 soon will you be told your results of your MRI??Am i thinking that this was to help sort out why you passed out?And still no answer???

sending you 🤗🙏🤗

I've been lucky and have never needed one.


Your garden is still growing i assumeSmiley Very Happy..i don't have one and with all our heat/humity recently not sure how neighbors is right now and will ask next time i see her.


Maybe i shouldn't as she has been on vacation for a week out of state and just go home Saturday and don't know if she has checked it yet??


Do you have strawberries in garden??


Don'y over do it outside !


lubs ya!Heart



preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 17,211
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

gm dear predsHeart and friendsHeart


Something has been missing here and you know it is???
























....grab a plate,knife,fork,spoon and a drink  and enjoy,


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@cowboy sam  Yes it was a brain MRI to rule out anything for the fainting. So glad you've never needed one! 

No strawberries this year; we grew them years ago though. Just veggies. And hopefully a lemon or 2. 🍋 

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@Mj12 and @Yahooey 


We need updates on how your lemoms and tree are doing!Smiley Very Happy


🤗🤗I know you both take tenderly care of your plants and want new leaves  and lemons to grow and matureHeartHeart


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 12,878
Registered: ‎07-09-2010



i hope the MRI will give you answers


and go water ur veggies