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   Dear preds,@Mj12 @loveschocolate @SouthernBee @Yahooey @Bri369 @Drythe @PamfromCT @Coquille invited to go back to resturant for filet mignon steak around 4:30 today.


"If "they are out of them again  we will order (a drink-coke for me)  and then pay and leave!!


Will update you later.


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 10,018
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : Preaying that you will be able to enjoy the steak dinner. 🙏🤗❤️🥤🥤🥤🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉

@cowboy sam wrote:

   Dear preds,@Mj12 @loveschocolate @SouthernBee @Yahooey @Bri369 @Drythe @PamfromCT @Coquille invited to go back to resturant for filet mignon steak around 4:30 today.


"If "they are out of them again  we will order (a drink-coke for me)  and then pay and leave!!


Will update you later.


lubs ya!Heart


Honored Contributor
Posts: 12,878
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

yum @cowboy sam nuthin like a good steak

i do like mine medium rare - more on the rare than medium

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

sending lubs to preds squad for having my back


we are awsome and lookin' good




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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

GM Preds & Friends! Heart


@cowboy sam  did you have a steak?  How was dinner?


@Yahooey Heart


I have to give my dog a bath now.  #ExcitingLife  Smiley LOL



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Posts: 14,737
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Good Morning Preds and Friends! 


See the source image

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Registered: ‎11-03-2018



I really wish pancake would step up and assist.  It doesn't look like that's going to happen Smiley Sad


I'm so glad your niece is coming to help out.  You deserve a break.  Enjoy every minute of your trip to Boston  HeartHeartHeart

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Posts: 17,216
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

@Bri369 @Mj12 @Yahooey @SouthernBee 


My med. rare filet mignon steak was sooooo good.Heart..i brought home enought for a sandwich for lunch!


Friends steaks were also good they both said..and they treated me to mine.


But both were unhappy about prices being raised for steaks and their drinks  and would like to find a different place to go to next time!   I dk  think prices will be same where ever we go.!


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,737
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

@cowboy sam 


I'm craving a steak now.  It's always nice to have leftovers.  I never wind up finishing anywhen when we go out and always have leftovers.  My one daughter never will eat leftovers.  So many things taste better the next day.  LOL

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Posts: 17,216
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Good morning dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart


@Bri369 @Mj12 @Yahooey @SouthernBee @Drythe @Coquille @loveschocolate @PamfromCT @dooBdoo @MyShadowLove @dex 



Stay cool today!


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."