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I had to look that up, since I didn't know what that was. I have seen them, and then from replies I was reading, evidentally, parents told kids that storms were the potato wagons going over a bridge. Or, other potato wagon stories were told.


I never heard one. Do you know any?

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@qualitygalI'd never heard that term - don't even remember seeing it in novels.  Thanks for the little lesson. Interesting analogy.

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We were told it was the angels up in heaven bowling. I still didn't like storms and to this day I still don't.

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The "treatment" for fear of thunder storms when my MIL was a girl was to lock everyone into a closet sitting on wooden stools with their feet off the ground reciting the Rosary.


Don't know of anyome in the family who ever succumbed to a thunder storm but I can vouch for the fact that mental health issues ran rampant.

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As a child i always was told that someone dropped a bag of potato's,and they are rolling.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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We were told it was the Angels in heaven bowling.

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@luvdoodles wrote:

We were told it was the angels up in heaven bowling. I still didn't like storms and to this day I still don't.



thats what my great grandmother always said to us!.....and of course, i told that to my kids.

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