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Possible snow for southeast this weekend

I follow a meteorology student on Facebook (Firsthand Weather) and he's been talking about the possibility of snow in the southeast for a few weeks now and today he said he's pretty confident it's going to happen. Today, our local weather people have started mentioning it. 


He said northern GA, Northern AL, Northern MS, most of NC, SC and southern TN and KY. 


I'm in Atlanta. We didn't handle snow very well here, LOL. 


My husband and and I are going to head out in the morning to get some more firewood. We have some, but not enough to get us through winter. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

@gidgetgh, do you they know about how much you might get?

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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

There is bitter  cold air headed  down form Canada. It's going to affect  a lot of the states

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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

I live in Northern Va.  I was just telling my daughter I need to clear out the other side of my garage for my car.  I don't drive in the mess (although my car supposedly does), I sure wouldn't want to test it.


I don't mind Winter, I just don't want much snow.  Thankfully, we don't get a lot of snow in Northern Va.  My late husband loved driving in it.  We would pack up the girls in our mini-van and take off down the road.  No one on the road but us.  It would be fun.  Going slow and enjoying the snow.  Never even came close to getting stuck.


My daughter just got back from Germany and Switzerland for two weeks.  She said she had to come back to Denver to go skiing there was such little snow there.  She kept posting pictures and I kept saying, "You're in Switzerland....where's the snow?"

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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

@Bri21- he hasn't said yet, too early. But said it could be a significant event. Just depends on how far north the precipitation comes.  And it's a really broad area. 


Another friend of mine just posted something from another site. It's showing possible 8 inches for Atlanta. I don't know if what she posted is legit or not  but 8 inches here would close our city down. We're not known for having an abundance of snow plows. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

The weather channel says one day of snow showers this Saturday and then next Saturday.  One in maybe in NC.  Doesn't sound that big at all.

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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

@gidgetgh wrote:

I follow a meteorology student on Facebook (Firsthand Weather) and he's been talking about the possibility of snow in the southeast for a few weeks now and today he said he's pretty confident it's going to happen. Today, our local weather people have started mentioning it. 


He said northern GA, Northern AL, Northern MS, most of NC, SC and southern TN and KY. 


I'm in Atlanta. We didn't handle snow very well here, LOL. 


My husband and and I are going to head out in the morning to get some more firewood. We have some, but not enough to get us through winter. 

@gidgetgh  You said it!  I drove through Atlanta maybe six or seven years ago (?) in a horrible snowstorm in early or mid February. .  I-75 was like a sheet of ice - I couldn't drive on it and had to pull off.  I ended up spending the night in my car, with my dog, in a 7-11 parking lot. That was the only thing at the exit.  Fortunately for me the clerk didn't mind me coming in every so often to use the bathroom and get warmed up and a cup of coffee.  I remember the state trooper came in and told me even he couldn't drive on I-75 and also had pulled off.  I froze in my car that night.  Worst night of my life.   I kept thinking, "I'm supposed to be in the south - this is worse weather than home!" And of course they city didn't handle it very well in terms of plowing....

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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

As I've stated before here in Northern Va on the local DC TV station our favorite weatherman gives a scale called 

"A BREAD-O-METER".  The higher the bread o meter (the more loaves of bread) the more snow predicted.


Our weatherman has said for more than a year now he gets it right within 3 degrees one way or another.

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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

I heard this too via our weather man in PA. But for us he said it is too early to call, that it may hit us OR go out to sea which is what I am hoping! lol.


PS) I was just thinking of my cousin who moved south to get out away from the snow and closer to her children.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Possible snow for southeast this weekend

This storm was mentioned on our local weather tonight, and my end of southern WV is in the affected area.   Trust me, as far as food and supplies, we are ready for whatever the weather might dump on us.