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Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

Mine is blah, blah blah...."my friend" spoken by anyone that is not my friend. 


This is a phrase that is endearing when spoken between true friends, but used to rope someone in to whatever is being talked about is a huge turn off to me.  When I mentioned it to DH, he also said that it is an immediate distancing or beware sign for him, when spoken by those other than friends. 


So what is the phrase or word that you do not care for?

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

"It's a MUTE point". No, it's not. It's a MOOT point. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

[ Edited ]


Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you


" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

It is what it is

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

Things don't usually bother me but there is one thing I absolutely hate is when someone says "pregers" or "knocked up" instead of pregnant!  To me it just seems so crass and uneducated.  

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

"fake news"

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

I hate those sayings meant to console or make yourself feel better like "Everything happens for a reason,  When one door shuts another opens,  etc etc."  

Posts: 74
Registered: ‎12-06-2015

Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

Irregardless and orientated drive me insane. I’m not sure why it irks me, but I don’t like when someone says, “No problem,” in response to, “Thank you.”  

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

Thoughts and prayers

It's said so often it's now completely meaningless to me

Less thoughts and prayers and mpre ACTION, please.