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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

"Welcome on in"     How about just "welcome" or "welcome in"


"Also too"     Wouldn't one of those work without the other?    



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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

I have tons of phrases that fit this, but I’ll try to pick just a few. 


My bad

with that said or with that being said

on point 

spot on

fake news 


Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

Gotta agree with sharke on the abundant "like"'s's like enough already Smiley Tongue.


Also have several peers at work that say "touch basis" instead of "touch base". No idea why that one really gets to me.


Finally, seeing the word h-u-g-e typed as "hugh". I see it so often I ended up asking a friend if maybe it had some kind of slang meaning when spelled that way. She said not that she was aware of. If there is a different meaning when spelled h-u-g-h someone please let me know!

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

You guys.

Hey guys.

Back to you guys.

Hey *insert coworkers name*


Annoys the heck out of me when I hear "professional" people using these phrases.


Can I help you guys?


Often used by waitresses etc. just to annoy the heck out of me, too.  LOL

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

AMAZING  (as in "it tastes amazing!"  NO it doesn't.  Tell me what it tastes like!)


Layers of flavor  (I am SICK of hearing this.  Flavor is flavor; multiple is flavors; it isn't layered.)



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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

I am an English teacher by chosen career, so any kind of blatant misuse of the English language grates on me. Things like "should have went" or worse, "should of went:" "he don't, she don't, it don't," "me and him went to a party,"  etc., etc. just drive me crazy. 

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

@saltysails,   Hashtag.  Sick of hearing it -- boring.

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you


Here's the thing,  I hear ALOT!

More Isaac phrases, MAJOR, MAJOR and That looks like MONEY!

Not all phrases but one I really don't like is he/she is in a better place.

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Re: Phrases that are finger nails on chalkboard to you

Fur baby!!!  That one sets my teeth on edge.