On 3/25/2015 debfla said: On 3/24/2015 Suziepeach said: OMG DEB!!!!!!!!! I have been so worried about you.. thank God you're in remission and doing well.. Before I forget, hubby says Hi and a big thumbs up. I can't believe it, you're back posting, thank you Lord for watching over Deb. You have made me so happy!!! Please feel free to post on the Mr. Lucky thread too, our Showme is going through chemo and so far so good.. prayers are continuing for the both of you!!!!! How wonderful you're going on vacation, I hope you have the best, relaxing time ever. Thank you, my friend, for posting to me.. I am just about to cry with joy!!!!!!!!
I am so happy you are still here. All I can do is think positive now, I know the lourdes water is working well I am hoping it is. Say a big HI to you DH!!!!!!! Dan said he hopes i gain 200 lbs. I have never been over 108 so I won't push it!!!!.I have BEEN REAL TIRED ALL THE TIME SO i TAKE A LOT OF NAPS SO i GUESS i NEED THEM. Have to go to the onc at 8:00am so I said i better get room service & they said wait till you see what you get . I am not a morning person at all . going to lay down ,I want to thank you all for still thinki.ng good thoughts about me it keeps me going. I hope no more chemo , I will keep you posted. Take Care my friends, Debfla
I just gave my husband your message and he says a huge Hi back and to keep the faith.. My dear you are healing and will gain weight and get your strength back.. Give it time.. I am still beyond thrilled for you and have tears of joy in my heart for you. You take those naps, one step at a time.. we've come a long way together, baby!! Yeah for Dan!!!!!! He'll get some weight on ya, like we tell Show, drink milkshakes. She had her 2nd round of chemo today and knows all about being tired.. You have all our best thoughts, Deb!!! Good luck at your appointment in the morning, can't wait to hear what room service you get!!!!!!! Hugs and Love Ya!!!!!
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee