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Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

I cannot believe there are no posts on this ........ are we not allowed to discuss it???

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

it seems anticlimactic somehow.

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

On 4/8/2015 tansy said:

it seems anticlimactic somehow.

ITA. The real drama will be if he's put to death or allowed to live in prison for the rest of his life.

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

I don't know but I am so glad they found him guilty. Now they will have to decide if he faces the death penalty.

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

I don't know how he couldn't be found guilty.

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

How could he not be found guilty?

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

If there was ever a case for the death penalty, this is it!! IMO

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

On 4/8/2015 Hoovermom said:

I don't know but I am so glad they found him guilty. Now they will have to decide if he faces the death penalty.

YES, he will face the death penalty!!!

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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

but with the good comes the a martyr was born..................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: Boston Bomber found guilty on all counts!!!

I figured that he would be guilty on all 30 counts. Not sure if I want him dead or alive. If I had my way he would be tortured, but I guess that's not legal. I do hope the victims and their families do find some peace with this decision.