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On 3/25/2015 lifeisgood said:
On 3/25/2015 Suziepeach said:

I am moving this up for Deb so more people can see and post on her thread- Our Deb is in remission!! Thank you, Heavenly Father!!!

Amen! Suzie

Deb....just thinking about you this morning, and praying that your strength returns with every passing day!

Sending lots of love your way friend!

How sweet, LIG!!! Double that Amen, sistah!!!

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Registered: ‎03-23-2015
On 3/24/2015 Suziepeach said: OMG DEB!!!!!!!!! I have been so worried about you.. thank God you're in remission and doing well.. Before I forget, hubby says Hi and a big thumbs up. I can't believe it, you're back posting, thank you Lord for watching over Deb. You have made me so happy!!! Please feel free to post on the Mr. Lucky thread too, our Showme is going through chemo and so far so good.. prayers are continuing for the both of you!!!!! How wonderful you're going on vacation, I hope you have the best, relaxing time ever. Thank you, my friend, for posting to me.. I am just about to cry with joy!!!!!!!!

I am so happy you are still here. All I can do is think positive now, I know the lourdes water is working well I am hoping it is. Say a big HI to you DH!!!!!!! Dan said he hopes i gain 200 lbs. I have never been over 108 so I won't push it!!!!.I have BEEN REAL TIRED ALL THE TIME SO i TAKE A LOT OF NAPS SO i GUESS i NEED THEM. Have to go to the onc at 8:00am so I said i better get room service & they said wait till you see what you get . I am not a morning person at all . going to lay down ,I want to thank you all for still good thoughts about me it keeps me going. I hope no more chemo , I will keep you posted. Take Care my friends, Debfla

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On 3/25/2015 debfla said:
On 3/24/2015 Suziepeach said: OMG DEB!!!!!!!!! I have been so worried about you.. thank God you're in remission and doing well.. Before I forget, hubby says Hi and a big thumbs up. I can't believe it, you're back posting, thank you Lord for watching over Deb. You have made me so happy!!! Please feel free to post on the Mr. Lucky thread too, our Showme is going through chemo and so far so good.. prayers are continuing for the both of you!!!!! How wonderful you're going on vacation, I hope you have the best, relaxing time ever. Thank you, my friend, for posting to me.. I am just about to cry with joy!!!!!!!!

I am so happy you are still here. All I can do is think positive now, I know the lourdes water is working well I am hoping it is. Say a big HI to you DH!!!!!!! Dan said he hopes i gain 200 lbs. I have never been over 108 so I won't push it!!!!.I have BEEN REAL TIRED ALL THE TIME SO i TAKE A LOT OF NAPS SO i GUESS i NEED THEM. Have to go to the onc at 8:00am so I said i better get room service & they said wait till you see what you get . I am not a morning person at all . going to lay down ,I want to thank you all for still good thoughts about me it keeps me going. I hope no more chemo , I will keep you posted. Take Care my friends, Debfla

I just gave my husband your message and he says a huge Hi back and to keep the faith.. My dear you are healing and will gain weight and get your strength back.. Give it time.. I am still beyond thrilled for you and have tears of joy in my heart for you. You take those naps, one step at a time.. we've come a long way together, baby!! Yeah for Dan!!!!!! He'll get some weight on ya, like we tell Show, drink milkshakes. She had her 2nd round of chemo today and knows all about being tired.. You have all our best thoughts, Deb!!! Good luck at your appointment in the morning, can't wait to hear what room service you get!!!!!!! Hugs and Love Ya!!!!!
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Registered: ‎03-23-2015

Peaches & Big DH!!!!!!! I did not tell you this I don't know how anyone will feel about it but the drs. & hospice said if it helps do it!!! I melt pot candy in a cup of hot tea & drink it & I will tell you, you will eat anything & you do not feel sick to your stomach.. I t really helps the pain thats why Dan said I don't care if i gained 200 lbs. Still have the feeding tube & it gives me so much pain . They don't want to take it out cus if I lose weight I need to have it put but in & I will not got threw that again for anything. Would like to know every ones feeling using it? I am so happy I went back on here you ladies make me feel so much better & happier. Thanks Again friends, Debfla

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Registered: ‎03-23-2015
On 3/24/2015 ShowMe said:

Deb......just had to come on here to say how happy we are to know you are in remission. Suzie has been so worried about you, and now she doesn't have to worry tonight. Many of us kept up with your thread with Suzie.......and am sure you went through some pretty tough moments.

Good to hear you are gaining weight. That is good. Have a wonderful anniversary and enjoy your trip to Singer Island.

I was recently diagnosed with metastatic melanoma......and am currently undergoing treatments for that. The treatment I am getting is given by IV, and this is a very toxic treatment......get it every 3 weeks.....and consists of 4 treatments. If this doesn't get rid of it, there is another route we can go. But, am keeping my prayer lines open with the one above.......

Keep on keeping on. Hope you continue to keep everyone up to date on your progress.

Oh Show I am so sorry do not know what to say .. Theses ladies got me started threw this & still have. I could only do 2 rounds of chemo my body could not handle it ,plus I was doing the highest radiation every day for 7 days & 2 of I did 17 & was left with 30 more to do I could not take it, They were killing me & they new it. Hoping you the best & will pray for you every day. Take Care , Deb Fla

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On 3/25/2015 debfla said:

Peaches & Big DH!!!!!!! I did not tell you this I don't know how anyone will feel about it but the drs. & hospice said if it helps do it!!! I melt pot candy in a cup of hot tea & drink it & I will tell you, you will eat anything & you do not feel sick to your stomach.. I t really helps the pain thats why Dan said I don't care if i gained 200 lbs. Still have the feeding tube & it gives me so much pain . They don't want to take it out cus if I lose weight I need to have it put but in & I will not got threw that again for anything. Would like to know every ones feeling using it? I am so happy I went back on here you ladies make me feel so much better & happier. Thanks Again friends, Debfla

Wow, Deb, if it works for you then have at it!!! I am fine with it, as long as it helps the pain and gets more food in you, I am all behind you!!!! Let's hope you can soon have the feeding tube removed because everyday you'll get stronger and stronger. :-) Like my hubby's throat he just dealt with it best he could.. We are thrilled you are back posting!!
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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thanks ladies I new you all would understand. I was just afraid of what the doctors would say. You know how some of them are. Thanks for listening , They said if it works do it I was not expecting That.& you know it does not gets you F -up. Love to all. DebFla

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Whatever it takes, Deb, we are behind you 100%!! I say kudos to your Doctor's. .. Love you too, My friend...
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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debfla, It's a beautiful thing, seeing your enthusiasm and sparkle! The word "enthusiasm" means "God within" and I see that in you and in your joy.

If you mean the kind of "pot" I'm thinking, that does work for many and I wish it were available for everyone who needs it. God bless, and stay in touch!


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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AMEN, Doo!!!
Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee