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One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

being shown. How does QVC think it is going to profit like this?


I just looked at what has been aired since midnight and it is now pushing 10 am ET. There have only been 18 products shown on air in those hours (not counting the reruns that now run in the middle of the night). 


How can that draw viewers, sell product, and keep the company competitive. 


I worked in retail for many years. I'm no marketing expert. But I don't see this as a good thing, in any way, shape or form. Going from two almost full time channels and one repeat channel, to two that are re runs, and one that is showing very little new? 


Good luck with this model QVC, it certainly isn't holding my interests.



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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

It boggles my mind.


QVC was so innovative back in the day.  They have thousands of products in their inventory.  I really don't know how they're going to survive. 



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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

@Mominohio right you are. One quasi live channel and one big 🥱. 

I no longer watch, and am starting not to check "recently on

air" items. I'm no longer consistently able to access LTS and PTS. The last item I purchased was on July 2nd was SHIPPED two days ago. 

The facts speak volumes, I'll save $ and reduce clutter.




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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

@Bri369 wrote:

It boggles my mind.


QVC was so innovative back in the day.  They have thousands of products in their inventory.  I really don't know how they're going to survive. 






Indeed! This is exactly my thought process. They were so innovative back in the day, and they just aren't keeping up.


I already think their shipping model was killing them, especially with younger customers who are into free shipping and just a couple of days to deliver. 


Then add to it that they created extra channels that were supposed to expand the options of products being shown  live at any given time, then took that all away right now and have been reduced to showing just a few items per hour again, and I really don't how they think it will hold the consumer's attention.

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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

What has worked in the past does not work now.  People's attention spans are short (I know mine is--LOL!!) QVC has thousands of items in inventory that are never shown.  Why not?  Personally, I think more hosts contracts should not be renewed.  That many people are not needed.  Focus on the products.


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Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

@Mominohio wrote:

@Bri369 wrote:

It boggles my mind.


QVC was so innovative back in the day.  They have thousands of products in their inventory.  I really don't know how they're going to survive. 






Indeed! This is exactly my thought process. They were so innovative back in the day, and they just aren't keeping up.


I already think their shipping model was killing them, especially with younger customers who are into free shipping and just a couple of days to deliver. 


Then add to it that they created extra channels that were supposed to expand the options of products being shown  live at any given time, then took that all away right now and have been reduced to showing just a few items per hour again, and I really don't how they think it will hold the consumer's attention.

Well, they need to make some tough decisions if they're going to survive.  It might be time for some leadership decisions. 

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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

@Mominohio The only thing I disagree with you about is the younger audience. I'm 72 and have a GD is her 20's and that age group and 30 year olds have never been an audience for QVC as I know from talking to a bunch of them in the past when I was working.

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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

If they would change their shipping model to one that is more expected, they would probably make it up in volume. 


Either go free at a certain price point and/or include it by either bumping the prices or selling their own QVC membership to include it.  Ring an Amazon bell, anyone?


And please stop the per item charging.  That went out of style decades ago along with catalogs.  It completely eliminates anyone like me who honestly wouldn't mind sitting down for a show and filling up a cart with new beauty items to try and/or fashions, cooking, etc.    

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Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

I think the decisions have been made and the handwriting is on the wall.  

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Posts: 14,497
Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Re: One channel live (sometimes) and so few items

[ Edited ]

My 23 year old daughter would definitely order Beauty products from QVC.  They carry a lot of the lines she's interested in.  But when you can order from Nordstrom or Sephora with free shipping and get it quicker, why order from QVC? 


Most of the presentations are hard to watch.  It wasn't necessary to have 2 hosts and a vendor for a lot of their presentations. 


I know for me, Christmas in June/July is a huge turn off. 


Their processing times are horrendous.  It's not just one thing.  It's the combination of problems that have led to their demise.  Their financials reflect that and have for years.