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Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

I have the iPad Air and I just downloaded the emoji app but I responded and tried it but it did not work. What am I doing wrong? Please help.
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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

Not a "gal", but what little faces are you talking about? Do you mean the emoticons like this:


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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

When you reply you will see in the upper left hand corner a smiley face hit on that and a bunch of different emoticons will come up. Take your pick.

edited to correct spelling.


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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

They (many of the boxes above) don't appear on the ipad though.

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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

This website isn't fully compatible with certain devices, like iPads for example, so the boxes don't appear with choices such as emoticons and formatting options like bold, italics, etc. Also, the emoji's won't work.

The only work-around is to type in the HTML code. (sidsmom has a great post about this in iPad Tips and Tricks, Post #291.)

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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

Yes, many incompatibility issues with all mobile devices here. To use the emoticons, you will have to save the codes for pasting within your posts. It helps save time if you bother to make short-cuts for them. Below is an example for the "smile" face:

< img src=" alt="Smile"/ >

Copy and paste this code to your post - REMOVING THE SPACES at the beginning and end.

It will display as Smile

I copied the list, along with many other formatting codes from the Light/Deep thread here many months ago, but no one should have to go to such bother to format posts from mobile devices. Especially from a retailer who SELLS them.

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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

BTW, should you like to make your font the normal size and include paragraphs... That code is:

< p> at the beginning of your sentence, and < /p> at the end. Again remove the spaces I had to include so the codes would display for you.

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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

is this the face you are talking about - its the first box on the formatting line in the post a reply box

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Re: Ok I want to know how to use the little faces you gals add in your responses......

dooBdoo: Thanks for the shout out! I'll place the instructions here in one concise post, as well.

If you "quote" a poster, you'll see all the CODE that's embedded...and that's what you'll use. For illustration purposes only, I'll add a "$" so you can see the code without iPad inverting it to Code. REMOVE the $ to have it work, okay? There are 2 codes for each to start & another to end.

Paragraph, start = <$p>

Paragraph, end = <$/p>

Bold, start = <$strong>

Bold, end = <$/strong>

Underline, start = <$span style="text-decoration: underline;">

Underline, end = <$/span>

Italics, start = <$em>

Italics, end = <$/em>

BIG GRIN = {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}"/>

BLINK = {#emotions_dlg.blink}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.blink}"/>

BLUSHING = {#emotions_dlg.blushing}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.blushing}"/>

CRYING = {#emotions_dlg.crying}

<$img src=" alt="{#emotions_dlg.crying}"/>

GLARE = {#emotions_dlg.glare}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.glare}"/>

KISS = Kiss

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="Kiss"/>

LAUGH = {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.laugh}"/>

LOL = {}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{}"/>

MAD = {#emotions_dlg.mad}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.mad}" />

OH MY = {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.ohmy}" />

SCARED = {#emotions_dlg.scared}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.scared}"/>

SMILE = Smile

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="Smile"/>

THUMBS UP = {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}"/>

WINK = Wink

<$img src="/DesktopModules/ExactTarget/Discussions/HttpsProxy.ashx?" alt="Wink"/>

I've even created a shortcut by going to Settings - General - Keyboard & created a shortcut for each action.

BTW, I've typed all this out on my iPad!