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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Bird of the Day - Common Merganser

I love this picture.




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Bird for the Weekend - Crimson Rosella

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time


Birdmama, I hope your shoulder wasn't giving you too much pain during your mammogram.

Hi Birding Friends, I hope you are having a beautiful weekend. Be back later as I am heading for the feed store before DD and granddaughters get here.

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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Ahh Mousie, thank you for the Halloween themed cartoon. MY DH loved Garfield.

So how is DD doing at school? Do you know when she will be coming home for the holidays?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

On 10/26/2014 Bird mama said:

Ahh Mousie, thank you for the Halloween themed cartoon. MY DH loved Garfield.

So how is DD doing at school? Do you know when she will be coming home for the holidays?

Hi Bird mama - I love Garfield too, and Snoopy, even have an enormous Garfield clock in my den shaped like the old fashioned alarm clock, hanging on the wall. DD will be coming home on the 21st and staying until the 30th. Her room is just as she left it, a hot mess, even after she promised she would clean it and her bathroom before she left, so back to the same old, same old when she arrives. {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Even if I had the time and energy, all of that is going into putting the house back together in readiness for the holidays, I wouldn't do it because she will be nineteen in a few weeks. It will be interesting to see if she has become "neater" since living away. We email every day, usually I send a quote or a "Good Night or "Hello" picture with a few words, and once a week, I ask her how everything is going, any grades, etc. I don't want to nag her, I will save that for when she comes home, lol, well, I will try not to.

I had DH get some pumpkins the other night, four for $12.00, as I am feeding the pups this, as it adds fiber, in their Primal, with other veges. I baked one yesterday, a pumpkin, not a pup, lol, first time, and was surprised to see that the inside was like spaghetti squash. I froze it in baggies of daily portions. Now, I have three more, and if I want a year's supply, I will have to get more as they won't be available later on.

The weather is cool today, with sun, so we will be working mostly inside, what a cluttered mess. Even after a big day of unpacking and tossing boxes, I look around to see tons more, overwhelming, but I trudge on.Smile

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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Just L O V E Garfield - he is sooooo cute

The picture of the black puddy tat looks just like miss Blackie. I asked her if she posed for it and did not tell me. LOL.

Did not realize I had not stopped by for a few days - just heck to get old.

Went to second service at church just to see who was or was not there- I usually go to the first service. Our Pastor is soooooooo very good and to think he will be retiring soon. I have no clue when soon will be but he really is good. Then Olin will become pastor - he is making a lot of headway towards that but is doing way too many things. Needs to delegate.

Quite chilly outside but in a couple days it will be back up to the 90s. Today was not cold but did have a slight nip in the air - actually below our norm for this time of year.

As usual I enjoy all the pictures of the critters - you all are so smart.

Have a great evening and a great day tomorrow.

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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Hello Birding Friends! Just stopping by with an update. My pre-op tests are finished and now I await a surgery date. I think of you all every day!

Edited for picture size!

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Hello Birding Friends - I survived the mammogram and doctor appointment. I did more waiting on Friday than anything else.

Puddles - glad all that pre-op testing is out of the way for you.

Freddie - was Olin the pastor at your previous church?

Waving hello to Possummink, Stepping Stone, Luvsbulldogs, Meuw4, Mousiegirl and everyone else. If I forgot to mention anyone, please know it's not intentional - I'm kinda rushing during lunch today {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: October's Birds Nest - Harvest Time

Bird of the Day - African Jacana

skipping on the water

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise