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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

Someone once said to me..."I have lived too long".  I was young then and didn't get it, but I am beginning to understand.  


The whole reliance on technology for more and more is frustrating for me.   I want to deal with another human, not with a webpage.

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@grandma r wrote:

@Carmie. It's outrageous!!!  Our bill is going from $147.50 per month to $201 beginning in January.  That's well above our supposed cost of living increase.


It infuriates me that some look at Social Security as an entitlement.   We worked for decades and paid into this with every paycheck.



I'm not there yet, but many times I've seen comments that indicate suprise when it comes to price increases.


Medicare isn't free.   If someone told you that Medicare is free, they lied.

Yeah, well they are SO desperate for money, maybe they service the national debt with the money.  Anyway, all the celebs that they acquired to do those ridiculous commercials about how free everything is.  How can anyone believe that?  I called them out on their fan page about it.  We got hit with a large property tax hike also, this year.  Of course, last year it went down but taxes do fluctuate.  I tried to tell them that Medicare IS not free, only Medicaid because it's on their dime.  By the way....when you turn or get near age 65, they automatically put you on Part A and that is free but we all know you get really nothing for that but if you don't download the form, fill it out and fax it in they put you on Part B and that is NOT free.  I had to jump through hoops to tell them I want no part of the whole thing.  They send you a package that has this card in it and it says oh, just put an X in the box that says you don't want Part B.  THAT is a lie also.  So glad I got rid of that mess.  MY SS money IS mine and they're not getting one penny of it.

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

You think that's rough? What do us under 65 yr olds do when almost no employers except Big Business offer health insurance benefit? It's close to $1,000/ month for private health insurance. Just pathetic. No wonder people get desperate and stay in crappy jobs for years for the health insurance.  It's insanely bad- 

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

@Buffalogal47    Unemployment benefits ran out for most people.   They were not extended so the people who chose not to go back to their previous employment have most likely found other jobs.   

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

@elated    So true.  I can't speak for anyone else, but I have little hope of seeing a positive change in the law regulating the social security payments we count on.  Legislators have known for years that the number used doesn't reflect actual costs for many seniors.

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

Actually Medicare is an entitlement program. You paid into it and are “entitled” to receive benefits. Through the years, the meaning of “entitlement” has changed, I guess
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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

@Carmie wrote:

@Tinkrbl44   No it is not free and never was.  However, most people have worked enough quarters to not have a preminum for Medicare Part A.  Some who did not work enough pay $471 each month for Part A, plus they pay for Part B which is currently $148.40.


Medicare doesn't pay your bills at 100%.  It has deductibles and coinsurance, so for some people they pay more for Medicare and a supplement than they would from the insurance open market.  And if you want RX insurance, that is extra.


I have worked with Medicare insurance since 1988.  I have seen the payments go up and the benefits go down.  The Medicare supplements have gone up and benedits were lost after the Feds got involved.


I don't understand how our lawmakers gained control over insurance and made decisions on something they know nothing about.


it is really too bad.


I have been reading that Advantage Plans are going to be losing funding.  Hang on to your hats! It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

@Carmie anything the government gets involved in turns to c**p. May I just add any federal program that is implemented  is never taken away.  Im not referring  to Medicare,    I know this has nothing to do with medicare I just had to throw it in.   They give with one hand and take with the other😠

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Re: OMG! Medicare Part B sky high premium

Medicare has always been a federal program.🤔