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I was in the ER on Monday and among the many people who were waiting to be seen was a young woman with two small children, maybe 2 or 3 and 4 or 5 years old. The children eventually did what all kids do when they're bored. They started to fight with each other. The mother sat with her head in her iPhone, tapping away. After quite a long period of time, as the kids continued to scream at each other, the mother broke them up. Then she turned to the rest of us in the waiting room and said, "Whew! I just finished my Christmas shopping. Last night my son fell and he hasn't been feeling well since so that's why I'm here. And that's why I had to finish my Christmas shopping here." Nobody said anything but why on earth did this foolish woman wait until the last minute to do this? With two young kids, prior planning is even MORE important.

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@AmyF wrote:

I guess I'm one of those fools you are talking about. I ordered an item for my son on Nov 22nd and it was guaranteed to ship on Dec. 15th and arrive before Christmas. Guess what? I e-mailed last week to be sure it was sent and they told me not to worry.  Called again yesterday, Dec. 22nd, and found out it has not shipped. I have sat here for a month when I could have puchased this item somewhere else. The item isn't going to make it. It is my son's entire Christmas and a huge surprise. The only thing that is "guaranteed" is that I will never do this again! This fool is disappointed.

You're not a fool @AmyF, you ordered in plenty of time. Their operation just seems to continue to deteriorate. The customer experience is apparently of less and less concern to them. Should your item not arrive, I'm sure they'll send you a nice form letter apologizing 'for any inconvenience'. LIke you can wrap that and put it under the tree. Inexcusable and yet failures in order fulfillment seem to be happening with increasing frequency. I've long wondered if sales to customers continue to be their priority, as opposed to sales of air time to vendors and infomercial production services offered to brand representatives.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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I am embarrassed to say this but I got up at 5 this morning and ordered a few things for my teen son (there really is nothing he wanted but cash) from Nordstroms that is supposed to make it here tomorrow!!  No big heartbreak if they don't get here in time, but let's see if they make it!!

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Do they get paid for overtime?

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1- AMAZON get the Delivery Award of the year, in my opinion. I ordered something for my granddaughter---not even for Christmas! Something she wanted for her horse and it was cheaper on Amazon and I have an account/w Prime.


I ordered it at 11pm Friday night, I got a text Saturday at 5am that it shipped, and by some unknown way it landed on my doorstep by 6pm that night! Not even 24 hours. That blew my mind!


2- My next door neighbor is a Fed Ex driver. This time of year, he leaves at 4AM, and crawls into his house at midnight. I do feel a little bad, because extra hours is mandatory (a set amount), but if drivers want to work more they can. He makes a TON of money at this time of year, he WANTS to take all the hours.


I do fear for him though (and other drivers on the road), because that is non-stop driving/delivery. Hopping in and out of a truck all day is exhausting, not to mention keeping track of what is on your truck and making sure everything is scanned before getting it off the truck.


Knowing him has given me a whole new appreciation for UPS, FED EX, any delivery courier. It is a very hard job.

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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

@Vivian Florimond wrote:

I was in the ER on Monday and among the many people who were waiting to be seen was a young woman with two small children, maybe 2 or 3 and 4 or 5 years old. The children eventually did what all kids do when they're bored. They started to fight with each other. The mother sat with her head in her iPhone, tapping away. After quite a long period of time, as the kids continued to scream at each other, the mother broke them up. Then she turned to the rest of us in the waiting room and said, "Whew! I just finished my Christmas shopping. Last night my son fell and he hasn't been feeling well since so that's why I'm here. And that's why I had to finish my Christmas shopping here." Nobody said anything but why on earth did this foolish woman wait until the last minute to do this? With two young kids, prior planning is even MORE important.

Do not know the circumstances in this case, however for years my brother and sister in law did all of their shopping last minute.  They really did not have the extra money so they waited for their Christmas bonus to start shopping.  Kids always had a nice Christmas.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Registered: ‎05-13-2012

My 4 items ordered from Nordstroms on Tuesday, all made it today!!  I am impressed.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@colliegirls wrote:

My 4 items ordered from Nordstroms on Tuesday, all made it today!!  I am impressed.

nordstrom is the best!!!!   glad you got your packages on time, but i'm not surprised they were on time.

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Posts: 4,178
Registered: ‎09-02-2010

Well I got 3 out of 4 things I ordered.  All for myself.  LOL  


I told my husband he was this close |--| to actually getting a present.   I think we stopped gift giving in 1998.


And I got an email that my drone was back ordered at 11:38 last night.   

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Registered: ‎12-05-2012

@wonderfulworld wrote:

I am not going to whine but compliment QVC on a job well done.

I took the Honora TSV pearl set to the post office (in original wrap, with QVC return label $6.95) on 12/9.

I started a thread on the boards that I was worried it was lost and then what happens?

I also emailed QVC. I received a reply with in 24 hours.

They have refunded my purchase price minus the $6.95. My order status shows that the pearl set still has not arrived.

I also ordered a NEST travel set (not the TSV) but a smaller set. It arrived in 4 days.


Thie has been a good year for me with merchandise ordered from QVC.


Happy holidays to all!

Just wanted to report that my return did turn up at QVC...took about 3 weeks but it did get there. All well here and Q was great about it.