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@shaggygirl wrote:

One of the most incessant never ending ones lately whether by land line, cell phone, or postcard is the car warranty one. And they all say it's your last chance to renew. The one that I keep getting is about a car that my well into adulthood (in his 40's) son hasn't had for at least 6 years and the car was in his name yet the postcards come in my name and to my landline & cell phone numbers. 



I heard a news story and the "car warranty" was the #1 scam people have been receiving.....

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@LonestarBabs wrote:

Text scams are occurring across the country, unfortunately.

And it seems the Supreme Court has made it easier for them to get away with it in Duguid vs Facebook.  I would post a link to a Reuters article, but it would probably get poofed.  Here's part of it though


WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday made it easier for businesses to pester consumers with phone calls or text messages by tossing out a lawsuit accusing Facebook Inc of violating a federal anti-robocall law.


The justices, in a 9-0 decision authored by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, sided with Facebook over its argument that text messages the social media company sent did not violate a 1991 federal law called the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

The case highlighted the challenge for the justices in applying outdated laws to modern technologies. The ruling sparked calls for the U.S. Congress to update the law, enacted three decades ago to curb telemarketing abuse by banning most unauthorized robocalls.


“By narrowing the scope of the TCPA, the court is allowing companies the ability to assault the public with a non-stop wave of unwanted calls and texts, around the clock,” Democratic Senator Edward Markey and Democratic Representative Anna Eshoo said in a joint statement.

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So far, the only Text scams I've gotten are simply links.  Obviously, I'm not going to open an unknown link from an unknown person.

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I have received texts asking if it is OK to call me. I just don't respond.

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That's a new one to me.  These scammers keep on trying, don't they.

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You ought to see some of the junk emails I get that shows up in my junk file that I delete about 20 times a day.


I didn't know there was that many 'positions'. Nothing but filth.

I'll change places with the ones who gets text scams any day.

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Some time back, I went into my Sprint account and designated that only the numbers I list can text me.  That's not very many as, although I've had the same cell ph# since 1994, I don't give it out much.


But once I started seeing those texts I decided to just block all but those with permission.     The first time it happened was before I got a smart phone and had to pay for the texts.    


I just wish I had a way to also block any calls that are not from numbers in my contacts list.   I don't get that many on the cell phone but enough that it bugs me.


I wish something could be done about this.

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I don't remember receiving Text, but voice messages, oh yes. Car warranty and how about the one where the Sheriff will be coming for you. My desk looks over the driveway and for years I've been waiting and they haven't shown up.


Just received a new Android phone fron AT&T and realize that it tells me what it thinks is a Spam Risk. I like that.

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@Sage04   I would like that too. What Android level is your new phone? Does that feature come from your phone manufacturer, AT&T, or Android?

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I sometimes get texts from unknown persons, that contain a link.  The scam in in the link, and clicking might harm your phone.  Just watch yourselves, everyone.  Man Happy

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Rochester, New York