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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

[ Edited ]

@SANNA wrote:

The daughter is just an irresponsible owner.  German Shepards are wonderful dogs but their purpose is being guardian dogs and they are very loyal and territorial.

To them it doesn't matter who you are if you enter their territory, you are an intruder no matter what.

Just the other day I spoke with retired mailman and he told me that he was bitten 3 times in his carrier by German Shepards. So it's a very common thing

But agree that people should follow the community rules about visitors with pets.

Actually they are herding dogs that have been adapted to protection. Herding dogs will  n i p  to get the subject to move where they want. I have a DDR line GSD and she does retain her strong herding instincts. She literally attempts to herd my cats, although she doesn't n i p  them, on rare occasions she instead makes the nipping motion nearby them, for which I always correct her. She loves all kitties though and would never hurt them. She sure doesn't care when the neighbor cats come in our yard. She is just as territorial as my chihuahua though when it comes to people or strange dogs. She sure listens better than my chi too. She always "leaves it" when I command her to. Unlike my chihuahua. 



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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

I love animals as much as anyone, but this defending the "breed" at the expense of the person is ridiculous.


My granddaughter was at college and heard a girl screaming.  She looked out and saw that she was being attacked by a pit bull.  My granddaughter - and others ran out to help.  Several people - including my granddaughter were bitten by this dog.


The owner insisted the breed was "gentle" and implied that these people "provoked" the dog.  The initial victim was just walking down the street - and did nothing to the dog.  She was hospitalized over this and my granddaughter's leg is badly scarred.


The dog was euthanized. 


I'm as sorry as anyone when animals are mistreated, but that is not the fault of innocent people who are attacked for no reason - as apparently occurred with the mailman.

Whats ridiculous is this sentence. We were not there so have no idea what happened.


And I will defend the breeds when others get a pass because oh they are so cute or get the pass cause they are a popular breed. While Pitts and Shepards are just as good with the right person and not the usual  angry ignorant mob trying to get rid of them.

You have made my point - we don't know what happened.  What - the mailman probably "did something to deserve it?"  The breed being so gentle and all.


Well apparently we know that the dog was running free without a leash and it attacked the mail man - who was not even in the dog's yard.


I guess I am part of the "angry ignorant mob" that insists that these "gentle" dogs be kept under the owner's control at all times.

No one is saying that the mailman deserved to be bit.

Everyone agrees that all dogs should be kept under the owners control at all times.

The point being made is that all dogs can and will bite under the right circumstances.  Singling out specific breeds and not individual dogs is what causes contention.  Much like grouping people of various ethnic backgrounds together.  Just as people should be viewed as individuals so should dogs.


Well said @CrazyDaisy

Yes but, I'd be way more wary of a rattlesnake than a little green garden snake.  I don't think you can discount that a big dog can take you down where a mini poodle can bit your ankle.  You have to assess risks in life by what you see.  That's how people stay alive.  So an aggressive large dog is more dangerous than a tiny one; and is more of a threat to peacefull life in a neighborhood when roaming free.


And I can't believe anyone would say no big deal about the postman.  The man will probably suffer more from fear of another attack, it may affect how he does his job, he may have to undergo painful series of shots. . . it's not a SMALL thing to brush for him perhaps.  What if is was a little woman who was delivering the mail?  Would we have more sympathy then?  Or a teacher who got bitten. . . ? 

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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

[ Edited ]

@Sooner wrote:

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

I love animals as much as anyone, but this defending the "breed" at the expense of the person is ridiculous.


My granddaughter was at college and heard a girl screaming.  She looked out and saw that she was being attacked by a pit bull.  My granddaughter - and others ran out to help.  Several people - including my granddaughter were bitten by this dog.


The owner insisted the breed was "gentle" and implied that these people "provoked" the dog.  The initial victim was just walking down the street - and did nothing to the dog.  She was hospitalized over this and my granddaughter's leg is badly scarred.


The dog was euthanized. 


I'm as sorry as anyone when animals are mistreated, but that is not the fault of innocent people who are attacked for no reason - as apparently occurred with the mailman.

Whats ridiculous is this sentence. We were not there so have no idea what happened.


And I will defend the breeds when others get a pass because oh they are so cute or get the pass cause they are a popular breed. While Pitts and Shepards are just as good with the right person and not the usual  angry ignorant mob trying to get rid of them.

You have made my point - we don't know what happened.  What - the mailman probably "did something to deserve it?"  The breed being so gentle and all.


Well apparently we know that the dog was running free without a leash and it attacked the mail man - who was not even in the dog's yard.


I guess I am part of the "angry ignorant mob" that insists that these "gentle" dogs be kept under the owner's control at all times.

No one is saying that the mailman deserved to be bit.

Everyone agrees that all dogs should be kept under the owners control at all times.

The point being made is that all dogs can and will bite under the right circumstances.  Singling out specific breeds and not individual dogs is what causes contention.  Much like grouping people of various ethnic backgrounds together.  Just as people should be viewed as individuals so should dogs.


Well said @CrazyDaisy

Yes but, I'd be way more wary of a rattlesnake than a little green garden snake.  I don't think you can discount that a big dog can take you down where a mini poodle can bit your ankle.  You have to assess risks in life by what you see.  That's how people stay alive.  So an aggressive large dog is more dangerous than a tiny one; and is more of a threat to peacefull life in a neighborhood when roaming free.


And I can't believe anyone would say no big deal about the postman.  The man will probably suffer more from fear of another attack, it may affect how he does his job, he may have to undergo painful series of shots. . . it's not a SMALL thing to brush for him perhaps.  What if is was a little woman who was delivering the mail?  Would we have more sympathy then?  Or a teacher who got bitten. . . ? 


Since you replied to my response I will address this. Where did I say No big deal about the postman?????????? You went off on a crazy rant for no reason. Not once did I say who cares. I wish people would actually read before responding. In my first post on this subject I said the dog needs to have limits set. Good grief. 


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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

I grew up with German Shepards and know what loving dogs they are. They are also well behaved and historically were used to watch the owners children. They like any dog can be territorial. That said it is sad this one is not being given limits. Although we are only getting a one sided pov and I can't help wonder if this had been a small dog or another breed that dosen't get a bad rap. Would we be seeing the dogs name in the title.


I was born into a German Shepard family.LOL----Back in the day, my siblings and I , when outside, always had a trained Shepard at our side ( there were no leash laws at the time ) and they acted as individual security. For the majority of my adulthood I have had GSs and currently I have 4 ranging in age from 2yrs to 6 yrs and weighing as much as 125 lbs. Although I buy only from a breeder who breeds for temperament , among other things, these are very smart, very protective and very territorial ANIMALS. My dogs have total freedom on my property, many acres, where they are protected by the perimeter of the entire property being fenced in. They are very highly trained and there are signs everywhere warning that they are trained guard dogs. No one can get onto the property without either a code to open the gates or being let in. All of this info is 

to get to my point that the human being is responsible for the animal. Whether it's a small dog or a large one, the owner must be in charge just as you are with a child. I hope the dog is removed from the owner and that she is sued. 


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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

@Isobel Archer wrote:

I clearly understand that it is the owner who is responsible.  I get that all breeds of dogs can bite.


What I am saying - and it is meeting tremendous resistence - is that some breeds - with bad owners - are much more dangerous than others when they attack and bite.


So it is not hysterical to be wary of these breeds - particularly should you meet an unleashed one on the street.


I am sorry that this offends pit bull lovers and others.

I would have to agree with you on this. While the bite of a small breed can indeed inflict a dangerous wound, you cannot compare the sheer size, power and force of a pit bull's jaw to a chihuahua's. A bit bull has the potential to inflict much more damage. I am more wary of larger breed dogs when I walk my dog in the street and I don't think it is being hysterical either. 

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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

@Isobel Archer wrote:

I love animals as much as anyone, but this defending the "breed" at the expense of the person is ridiculous.


My granddaughter was at college and heard a girl screaming.  She looked out and saw that she was being attacked by a pit bull.  My granddaughter - and others ran out to help.  Several people - including my granddaughter were bitten by this dog.


The owner insisted the breed was "gentle" and implied that these people "provoked" the dog.  The initial victim was just walking down the street - and did nothing to the dog.  She was hospitalized over this and my granddaughter's leg is badly scarred.


The dog was euthanized. 


I'm as sorry as anyone when animals are mistreated, but that is not the fault of innocent people who are attacked for no reason - as apparently occurred with the mailman.

Whats ridiculous is this sentence. We were not there so have no idea what happened.


And I will defend the breeds when others get a pass because oh they are so cute or get the pass cause they are a popular breed. While Pitts and Shepards are just as good with the right person and not the usual  angry ignorant mob trying to get rid of them.

You have made my point - we don't know what happened.  What - the mailman probably "did something to deserve it?"  The breed being so gentle and all.


Well apparently we know that the dog was running free without a leash and it attacked the mail man - who was not even in the dog's yard.


I guess I am part of the "angry ignorant mob" that insists that these "gentle" dogs be kept under the owner's control at all times.

No one is saying that the mailman deserved to be bit.

Everyone agrees that all dogs should be kept under the owners control at all times.

The point being made is that all dogs can and will bite under the right circumstances.  Singling out specific breeds and not individual dogs is what causes contention.  Much like grouping people of various ethnic backgrounds together.  Just as people should be viewed as individuals so should dogs.


Well said @CrazyDaisy

Yes but, I'd be way more wary of a rattlesnake than a little green garden snake.  I don't think you can discount that a big dog can take you down where a mini poodle can bit your ankle.  You have to assess risks in life by what you see.  That's how people stay alive.  So an aggressive large dog is more dangerous than a tiny one; and is more of a threat to peacefull life in a neighborhood when roaming free.


And I can't believe anyone would say no big deal about the postman.  The man will probably suffer more from fear of another attack, it may affect how he does his job, he may have to undergo painful series of shots. . . it's not a SMALL thing to brush for him perhaps.  What if is was a little woman who was delivering the mail?  Would we have more sympathy then?  Or a teacher who got bitten. . . ? 


Since you replied to my response I will address this. Where did I say No big deal about the postman?????????? You went off on a crazy rant for no reason. Not once did I say who cares. I wish people would actually read before responding. In my first post on this subject I said the dog needs to have limits set. Good grief. 


YOU didn't say it.  I am sorry I did not make that clear, but it was stated somewhere that some had little sympathy for the postman.  It is a long thread, sorry I didn't distinguish.  I thought you made some good points but I was adding some thoughts about individual vs. groups.  I am more wary around some breeds of dogs than others.  And horses as well.  Some breeds are often high strung and nervous, and therefore I am more careful around them, more aware of my actions, tone of voice and movements. . . That being said, I was bitten by a Cocker Spaniel when I stepped on her food.  And we lived next door to a big old goofy German Shephard that NOBODY, including our cat, was afraid of.  


But in general, yes, animal breeds do have some personality traits, as do some families I know!  LOL!!!


Again my apologies.

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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

@AngusandBuddhasMom wrote:

I grew up with German Shepards and know what loving dogs they are. They are also well behaved and historically were used to watch the owners children. They like any dog can be territorial. That said it is sad this one is not being given limits. Although we are only getting a one sided pov and I can't help wonder if this had been a small dog or another breed that dosen't get a bad rap. Would we be seeing the dogs name in the title.


From what I see limits are rarely set today because dogs are rarely taken to obedience.   With the invention of the extendo leash limits went out the window.  People blindly walk their dogs at whatever direction the dog chooses to go, and too bad if it crosses your path, jumps, bites, whatever.  So very dangerous.  People have no clue the responsibility they are taking on when they adopt a dog, let alone one that is aggressive.  She has created a dangerous situation.  Hope that the dog has its rabies up to date.  The postman will not deliver their mail.  And if he sees the dog out at all the entire block's may not be delivered.  


As an aside, years ago a lady did this with a chow.  Early one morning it came running at me and my dog.  Me yelling my head off got the owner out and no bite happened.  I called Animal Control.  The dog had a record, had even bitten the granddaughter.  And the owner still let it out without a leash.  Multiple violations had been issued.  The owner finally gave it up.

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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

Yes most dogs will bite if provoked or hurt or threatened.  But then there are dog breeds that have aggressive tendencies and without proper training they are dangerous.  Further when you pair up multiples of these more aggressive dogs you have a really dangerous situation. Some dogs can be fine with people, but Dog Aggressive.  Some dogs are very protective and are aggressive to everyone but the owner.   Some dogs give warning signs of impending aggressive behavior, but i can assure you that others go off like a canon without any warning.  These are very dangerous animals.  Larger dogs like shepherds, dobies, weimarunners and pitts when aggressive are extremely dangerous because they are hard for the owner to control.  And yes, little dogs can bite you too, but they arent likely to be lethal.  

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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

I  love German Shepherds and my first dog was one we had for 17 years.


But, NO DOG should be loose like they are doing.  Going up to a house provokes territorial responses in many dogs, and the postman does that.  Same with making deliveries.


This is the fault of the owner and she should be held responsible.  I would also be extra careful about a dog that bites unprovoked.  Hope the dog was up to date on rabies vaccination.


Owners are responsible for their dogs.



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Re: Neighbor's German Shepard bit the mailman

@Shawnie wrote:

Yes most dogs will bite if provoked or hurt or threatened.  But then there are dog breeds that have aggressive tendencies and without proper training they are dangerous.  Further when you pair up multiples of these more aggressive dogs you have a really dangerous situation. Some dogs can be fine with people, but Dog Aggressive.  Some dogs are very protective and are aggressive to everyone but the owner.   Some dogs give warning signs of impending aggressive behavior, but i can assure you that others go off like a canon without any warning.  These are very dangerous animals.  Larger dogs like shepherds, dobies, weimarunners and pitts when aggressive are extremely dangerous because they are hard for the owner to control.  And yes, little dogs can bite you too, but they arent likely to be lethal.  

I have to take exception to your continued use of the word aggressive.  Aggressive dogs are few and far between, yes they do exist but not in the content you are using.  An aggressive dog is one that is not provoked, a mean spirited dog.  One that will attack for no reason.  Aggression is not indicative of a breed rather an individual dog.


A dog can be protective, territorial even fearful and react in an inappropriate manner, at least by our standards.  Most will give warning signs such as growling, showing teeth, posturing etc, however not in all cases.  A truly aggressive dog is very dangerous however the others can be controlled very easily with behavior modification or the management of situations that are the trigger issues.  Any dog left to their own devices will ultimately make the wrong choice.

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