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National Vietnam War Veterans Day

[ Edited ]

To my brother who came back a different person--Thank You.


To my classmates that gave their lives, suffered injury and live with the aftermath of what they experienced--Thank You.


To all that served during the Vietnam War here and in Vietnam--Thank You.


To all that support our Vietnam Vets--Thank You.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

To those who gave the ultimate sacrifice...thank you.


Somehow, it does not seem enough.

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Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

and to the MIA's who are still on my mind

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

To those who severed I thank you, to those lost I mourn you.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Daddy served on the Draft Board during the Vietman War. They would get calls during the middle of the night about getting an exemption. It was a terrible time for my folks.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

"All gave some, some gave all."

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Registered: ‎07-21-2014

Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Vietnam Wall--THIS IS AMAZING!


This is really sobering. First click on a state. When it opens, scroll down to the city where you went to high school and look at the names.


Click on the name and it will give details of the person's death, a picture or at least their bio and medals.


This really is an amazing website. Someone spent a lot of time and effort to create it.

I hope that everyone who receives this appreciates what those who served in Vietnam sacrificed for our country.

Pass the link on to others, as many knew wonderful people whose names are listed. ates.htm



Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

I have to mention this painting.  When I saw it years ago, I almost burst into tears right in the store. My hubs was in VN for a year.  We lost a friend whose airplane went into a mountain on his way home from his tour of duty over there.



The painting is called: "Reflections". by Lee Teter.  It's of the Vietnam War Memorial.

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Registered: ‎08-29-2010

Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Thanking VietNam Veterans for their service is indeed a Good Thing; however, it might be a tad too easy to say a quick, “Thank you” then move on feeling like we’ve done something.  It is important to me to paint a word portrait of the Veteran we are thanking today so that we think about the war a lot of them are still fighting.
All these years later, many of our Veterans are fighting the battle of their lives.  Cancer.  They have cancer from exposure to chemicals our government and military sprayed from airplanes all over the fields–and anyone below–in VietNam.  Dow Chemical and Monsanto manufactured Agent Orange, and for ten years we used it as a terrible weapon in herbicidal warfare.  It stripped millions of acres of land bare, damaging the environment, wildlife and people, theirs and ours, for many decades.  It also damaged genes so that future generations may have birth defects.
If you visit a Veterans’ Hospital today, you will see an overwhelming number of little old men in wheelchairs being pushed along the corridors by little old ladies, their wives.  If you sit in a treatment room and talk with the patients, a large percentage of them will tell you they have cancer.  Then they will proudly tell you their branch of military service and where and for how long they were in VietNam.  And, yes, they thank each other for their service.  They do it with sincere respect, a means of honor.  
So, please, do continue to say Thank You.  I hope I have given you even a snippet of what you are thanking them for.  I’d like to request that, in addition to saying Thank you, you take a moment to pray for wholeness of spirit, mind and body of these deserving heroes.  God bless them.  Every one.
Thank you for reading this.                
Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
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Re: National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Thank you for posting.