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@On It,

Thanks for making sure the human and lion were ok!Heart

And hey photographer-get a longer, much longer photo lens

for next time if there is a next time!


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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On Inside Edition there was an idiot man who built a 150,000 enclosure within his house with a pool, etc.

for his pet alligator or croc. Forget which one, he said "it's his friend and wouldn't hurt a flea. "


He kissed it on the snout and hand fed it.. Authorities came and got it he's hoping he's allowed to get it back.


People are crazier then poop house rats.

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@on the bay wrote:

I will never understand why people take stupid risks.What in the world was he doing so close to get photographs?!

Exactly!  Then get hurt leading to the animal being killed. Leave these beautiful creatures alone in their habitats. 

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Oh, those blood stained teeth look terrifying.  I'd never be able to hold a camera still to get that pic.


Today,I watched a video from a dash cam of a little kitten sitting on the dash of a car when a hungry hawk came for him.  Thankfully, he couldn't grab the kitten through the glass.  The hawk was confused. The kitten just looked annoyed.


I have a few screen shots, but you can google kitten on dash with hawk to watch the video.  Wild animals are better to study behind glass.




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Registered: ‎04-19-2022
That lion is a magnificent wild creature, doing what wild creatures do...never to be confused with a domesticated kitty cat. I'm glad no person or creature was harmed. As someone suggested... perhaps a longer telephoto lens would have been safer and more appropriate.
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Re: Narrow Escape

[ Edited ]



I own many cats and I see that kind of face often--usually the girls direct it at the boys.


I do not care about the photographer--only the lion.


Just because it is his chosen profession does not give him the right to disturb all these beautiful, wild creatures.  What if he was too slow getting into the car--would they have shot the lion?


I have come to the conclusion that I will probably never take a safari to Africa.  I do not like to see animals exploited, or put in no-win situations.  

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Yikes I would have had to change my underwear!

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I’ve gone on safari & you are given explicit instructions not to leave the vehicle. According to our guide, animals will leave you alone because they recognize a vehicle & don’t feel a threat but when a human is outside a vehicle, that is a threat to them & so they will react. We were also told elephants show no fear of other animals due to their size but they do fear humans. We were in open jeeps right next to lions & they just showed interest, no aggression. It’s a beautiful picture but the animal was just protecting his territory.
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@Carmie wrote:

Oh, those blood stained teeth look terrifying.  I'd never be able to hold a camera still to get that pic.


Today,I watched a video from a dash cam of a little kitten sitting on the dash of a car when a hungry hawk came for him.  Thankfully, he couldn't grab the kitten through the glass.  The hawk was confused. The kitten just looked annoyed.


I have a few screen shots, but you can google kitten on dash with hawk to watch the video.  Wild animals are better to study behind glass.




What an incredible shot @Carmie  I'm so glad the kitten was safe and out of harm's way.