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Out of all the days I've spent birdwatching, this is the first Northern Mockingbird I've seen here.  I don't think he'd have landed on the clothesline had I not been sitting so still and inconspicuously for such a long time.  I wish I could've snapped more, but as soon as he saw my movement, off he went!😃❤️






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[ Edited ]

@cheriere wrote:

Out of all the days I've spent birdwatching, this is the first Northern Mockingbird I've seen here.  I don't think he'd have landed on the clothesline had I not been sitting so still and inconspicuously for such a long time.  I wish I could've snapped more, but as soon as he saw my movement, off he went!😃❤️






@cheriere   I don't know what kind of mockingbird I have here in NJ, but just about every early morning you can hear it loud and clear!  I don't hear it after the early morning, though.  

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Since we're both on the east coast, it may be the same. Just like you, I hear them all the time, but I'd never seen one in the yard.  I live in such a rural area, you can hear birds chirping all day long lol.😃❤️


The other day while getting ready to take mom somewhere, I saw a woodpecker right outside my window!  I've never seen one so close to the house.  Naturally, it flew away before I could even snap a shot through the glass lo..

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"Mock (yeah)

Ing (yeah)

Bird (yeah)

Yeah (yeah)

Mockin'bird, now"

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Be glad U don't have those **** mourning doves !!

They land on your chimney cap and scream back and forth while your on the phone, trying to read, whatever your doing. I have to rush out doors and shoosh them off the chimney. Front or back doors all day long.


I paid a man to nail  spikes on the chimney cap they don't go on the cap no more. Now, they want to coo

on the skylight and it has a hail guard over it !!! Have to throw rocks at them now.  **** birds !



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When I lived in North Jersey (live in South Jersey now) there was a mockingbird I considered my pet.  She would stand on my back fence and complain until I came out.  She was looking for the mealworms I would by just for her. I was able to get with 12 inches of her while she watched me filling the feeder.  She even brought her 2 babies to meet me.  I have seen mockingbirds here in So. Jersey, but none have come to visit.  I have bluebirds, bluejays, cardinals, titmouses (titmice?), and many others including juncos that come back when the weather gets colder.  I love watching them all, but I will always miss my pet mockingbird.

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@cheriere  were you able to silence the shutter sound?

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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[ Edited ]

@MamaWick wrote:

@cheriere  were you able to silence the shutter sound?

In all  I don't know why I can't find the control for it.  My younger cousins are stopping by with their kids on Saturday and I just figured I'd get one of them to show me.  I really do appreciate your trying to guide me through it.  I'm really not very tech savvy.

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MOCKINGBIRDS!! I'll send you some of Mine!  Revile is 3:40 A.M..

Better'n Clockwork.  Ijust have to get used to them.  It is fun recognizing one particular song and following that song as new sounds and riffs are added.  They Do sing their bitty birdie hearts out! On of them has found the perfect spot over the allyway, his song is amplified like he's in a stadium.

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@cheriere ...try this.  Open your camera like you were going to take a picture.  At the top of that screen will be several icons.  Look for the "settings" icon like what is circled below in red.  This example below is not from the open camera, but just an example of what the settings icon looks like.




Click on settings and "camera settings" will come up as in the picture below.  Scroll to "shutter sound" and toggle it off.




Forget the kids.  YOU can do this.  It should be basically the same for Android or iPhone.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix