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I'm not fond of the onesie she's wearing.  What were they thinking when they made it "open" in the back?  Too much skin and white would look better IMO.

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This is most likely an overly done piece that shouldn't be taken too literally.


Then, again there are the Kardashians!


Image result for laughing donkey cartoon

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Registered: ‎06-16-2015

Re: NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ Edited ]

Apparently none of you have seen the Rick Owens P e n   is  Collection from the runway a few years back. It makes this style look like a Mary Poppins collection.

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@Venezia wrote:

Sadly, this is not a joke.  I saw this "style" quite a few weeks ago and it looked just as idiotic then.


It's some designer's (I use the term loosely) idea of being edgy and creative.  I call it ruining a good pair of jeans.  I know there are certain celebrities for whom this would be wearing too much clothing (not naming any families here), but it's beyond absurd.  "Emperor's New Clothes", anyone?


To be honest, I find it insulting that any clothing designer would think women are gullible enough to buy this trash.  (I know - some are!  The ones with more money than sense.)  Woman Frustrated

@Venezia  I’m fairly sure many designers love to throw in a few shockers that aren’t necessarily meant to wear as is. It’s a jumping off point for buyers/viewers to get an idea how to adapt the item or style or color to something acceptable to wear in public. 


Many times at Red Carpet events, the original design of a dress is shown. The hem, sleeves, waist, neckline has been remade for the wearer.


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Absurd, insulting, atrocious, egregious, and idiotic. Do these clown-designers think women can be led by the nose to buy this cr@p?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Shanus- I get that many runway designs are altered for more practical fashion wear.  But stuff like these ripped-apart jeans (well, if you can call what's left jeans) does make it into the normal marketplace.


And someone out there is going to buy into it, paying absurd over-the-top prices in the name of the almighty "current trend" and for the sake of having a "designer" name on it.