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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

Ridiculous. The man was a junkie. Charging others is like charging the wine merchant for customers getting drunk or the grocery store for patrons gaining weight. If there are drug offenses with which those involved need to be charged, that might be a different story, but charging them as accessories to his demise is nonsense. He imbibed the drugs and unless someone force fed him. it was his own choice.


@stevieb  @CelticCrafter 


Wow!  A lot of people still don't seem to realize that, medically, ADDICTION IS A DISEASE.   


I wouldn't blame someone for getting cancer, but perhaps you would.  Same thing.


You can't be serious!

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

People have different opinions whether addiction is a disease, but some posters are getting rude if someone disagrees. Because of that, I'm not getting involved in the argument. I'll wait and see how the charges turn out. 


Matthew Perry is still dead however people believe. It makes no sense to argue because no one will change their mind. Just accept that people think differently about addiction and leave it at that.

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@teganslaw  - I wouldn't say anyone is arguing -  more like a discussion. 

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

[ Edited ]

Distributing controlled substances is illegal. It used to be called drug pushing or drug dealing....but it is still a crime. How they can predict so many will be charged must mean they are looking at a network or something. I saw a headline today that several may be charged.  I guess time will tell. I think if you are involved anywhere along the pipeline supplying, carrying, or selling drugs you bear some responsiblity when it ends up in the hands of those you know will use it. 

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

[ Edited ]
  1. @Mz iMac 

@Mz iMac wrote:

@tansy wrote:


@Bri369 wrote:

It's all so sad.  Drugs ruin so many lives.  I hope whoever is responsible is charged.

I agree but charging another failed drug addict won't do much in the end...



@tansy   It's rare that drug suppliers are also addicts.  They have a motto....."Never git high on your own supply."


I had to laugh 😂  I learned that from the Scarface movie and Biggie Smalls.


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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

I have to ask, what are the charges?  If it is distribution of drugs, people should be charged.  Does not matter the who is buing them..  As far as his death, if he took the drugs on his own, that is on him and him alone.

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@San Antonio Gal wrote:

Have you heard the latest on Matthew Perry's death?  The investigation is almost complete and supposedly people will be getting charged.  One of them is Charlie Sheen's ex-wife, Brooke Mueller.


She met him in rehab and they became friends.  She's had a history of drug addiction and is currently living in a sober house.

Shoekitty said. Okay Now I want to know, what did Brooke  do?

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@CelticCrafter wrote:

The only one responsible is Matthew Perry himself.


No one sat on him and poured the drugs and/or alcohol down his throat.


He took them on his own.

Shoekitty said, O f course Matthew was responsible for himself. But, perhaps he took advice of professionals under his care  And there are enablers.  And people who take advantage of those that are ill.

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

Bottom line:  Keep away from bad (for you) people.


Which includes enablers, folks on drugs, etc.


Hang around with people who don't do drugs, who don't drink excessively, etc.  


I do believe that this is a step in the right direction.


Just my opinion, of course.



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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@PhilaLady1 wrote:

I am not sure how I feel about people being charged.  It is not the fault of those who provided the drugs to Matthew.  A sad fact is that an addict will do whatever they need to do to get what their body and brain craves.  Ordinary people die every day from addiction without authorities looking into where they got the stuff. The general public wants someone to blame.  Noone forced the poor guy to buy what he needed.


I think dealers are sought and charged everyday.  Without dealers, there would be no druggies in the first place.  I don't know how I feel about it.  I guess you can buy what you want if you have the money and it can come from any source.  He was charged, charged with death.  Perhaps other should be charged before they have the same fate.  We have had this in our family so I know what it's like.  I wish one of my family members who was a dealer had been charged before she died.