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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

[ Edited ]

Wine markets and grocery stores are not dealing with illegal commodities. 

As with many death investigations information is obtained that leads to additional investigations. 

And yes, with a competent and conscientious police department, when ordinary people die by their own hand be it accidental or intentional, be it drugs, firearms, or any item not legally obtained the source of that item is investigated and charges against others are often brought. 

There are specific laws that deal with these situations.


Yes an addict in the throes of their illness are ultimately responsible for their actions. That doesn't negate that other players, through their illegal behavior, are not also contributors.

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@Etoile308 wrote:

Wine markets and grocery stores are not dealing with illegal commodities. 

As with many death investigations information is obtained that leads to additional investigations. 

And yes, with a competent and conscientious police department, when ordinary people die by their own hand be it accidental or intentional, be it drugs, firearms, or any item not legally obtained the source of that item is investigated and charges against others are often brought. 

There are specific laws that deal with these situations.


Yes an addict in the throes of their illness are ultimately responsible for their actions. That doesn't negate that other players, through their illegal behavior, are not also contributors.

And as I suggested if there are drug charges to be made, so be it, but any charges related to his death are no more than grandstanding to make an example, given his celebrity status. Charges are not consistently brought in such situations, which, once again, indicates an uneven application of the law.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

Drug dealers HAVE been charged with murder if the drugs they supplied can be traced to an individual’s death by overdose.
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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

Sad! I think in some cases it is necessary to charge the person who administers the drug. I was reading an article on Michael Jackson's last moments, MJ was begging for more & the Dr who was later charged said that he didn't want to say no to his pleadings. He continued to increase the dose through IV, rest is history...

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

At 40 years old my nephew overdosed within 24 hours of being released from a drug treatment facility.  He was there for 11 months.  We were just seven years apart in age.  He wasn't just my first nephew but my favorite nephew.  I had and still have a ridiculous amount of love for him.  But I know his choice to use again was his and the overdose was his fault.  The childhood filled with abuse that led to the addiction was not.  And that is the part that sucks.  It sucks a lot.        

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

The only one responsible is Matthew Perry himself.


No one sat on him and poured the drugs and/or alcohol down his throat.


He took them on his own.

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@DrakesMomma - I'm so sorry for the death of your beloved nephew to this horrible illness. Yes, I believe addiction is a medical illness. 


@Etoile308 - You said it well. If they are charging people, they must have a good reason. I'll wait and see.




My personal opinion is I wish he hadn't been left alone. Maybe he covered it up and seemed normal to his assistant? IDK. Had he been with someone else he might have had a chance. 

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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

@PhilaLady1 wrote:

I am not sure how I feel about people being charged.  It is not the fault of those who provided the drugs to Matthew.  A sad fact is that an addict will do whatever they need to do to get what their body and brain craves.  Ordinary people die every day from addiction without authorities looking into where they got the stuff. The general public wants someone to blame.  Noone forced the poor guy to buy what he needed.





Seriously?  If someone is selling large amounts of ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES to anyone, you don't think they should be charged?  


If someone was selling heroin to one of your family members, you don't think they should be charged?


I think people are comparing apples to oranges here. 


Yes, Matthew was an addict, and that's one consideration.


However, if it's proven that someone is making illegal drugs available to ... anyone .... law enforcement should follow the trail.


JMO, of course.  



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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

Ridiculous. The man was a junkie. Charging others is like charging the wine merchant for customers getting drunk or the grocery store for patrons gaining weight. If there are drug offenses with which those involved need to be charged, that might be a different story, but charging them as accessories to his demise is nonsense. He imbibed the drugs and unless someone force fed him. it was his own choice.


@stevieb  @CelticCrafter 


Wow!  A lot of people still don't seem to realize that, medically, ADDICTION IS A DISEASE.   


I wouldn't blame someone for getting cancer, but perhaps you would.  Same thing.





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Re: Multiple people may be charged in Matthew Perry's death

Agree 100% @Tinkrbl44  that addiction is a disease.