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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:


I felt sorry for her when she wasn't invited to William and Kate's wedding. I remember her saying that she went to a remote island getaway with no tv and a friend of hers described it over the phone.


She made mistakes, and I don't think that family is very forgiving of mistakes made by people who marry into it. Andrew has obviously been very forgiving of her, so I don't know why Philip or anyone else can't be. Andrew apparently even forgave her when she was caught on tape trying to sell access to him.


I read that Meghan's mother might be talking to Oprah about racism, not spilling any beans. 

Wonder why Megan’s Mom is  not invited to the Wedding?

She's invited.

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

I don't understand where the stories are coming from that Meghan's mother isn't invited to the wedding. She's riding with her to the chapel, that's what I've read. And her father is supposed to walk her down the aisle.


As far as the Oprah thing, she was supposedly seen visiting Oprah at her house in CA but who knows if that's even true.

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

As many have said, it looks like the royal family is just like any other, except that they’re rich and famous. I suppose it’s the hypocrisy that gets to us, as Americans. They seem so hoity toity, and yet there’s been plenty of scandal and misbehavior. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor’s greatest sin was not ignoring the rules of succession but cozying up to Hitler. Prince Philip has had more daliances than even our most egregious relatives ever hoped to have, certainly more than Fergie. I guess this is what makes it such fun to follow them. Meow!

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

I'd rather set next to Phillip any day of the week than Freebi Fergie. I got sick of all her whining ,after she deliberately  got herself into all kinds of messes. I can still see her in the video smacking her lips, and asking for the money in one of them...she is certainly not  someone I would ever want to know

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

Fergie doesn't fit into their mold that's why.  Philip needs to check himself at the door and realize that his children are far from perfect also.  Why isn't he mad at Charles for doing what he did to Diana.  Hypocrite much???

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@qualitygal wrote:

Poor Fergie.  Yes her daughters are the ages of those getting married, but by blood the daughters are joined to the family.  Fergie isn't, and she'd probably like to be, but she needs to step back.  



She needs to step back?    Seriously?    Simply because Phillip doesn't care for her?  I bet plenty of people don't care for Phillip .....   but tolerate him anyway.   Over the years he has been quite the womanizer, so he has no right to be judging anyone.


If Andrew is invited, I think his Plus One can be whomever he chooses to bring.     This isn't about blood.


And people are criticizing Meghan's family? .....  yeah, right.



I don't think a whole lot of "plus one" invitations are offered up at royal weddings.

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

@jackthebear wrote:

@Snoopp wrote:

I read Mama Markel will sit down with Oprah soon and spill the beans.  Ugh

hope not , members of the RF don't do that, even though she is not a member she should have more sense.


Perhaps she will be wised up by the palace 



        I didn't ready anything about "spilling the beans".  I read that there are discussions about Meghan's mother doing an interview with Oprah but as a mother who loves her child, there is NO way that woman will say anything inappropriate or that is not approved by the Royal family.  She's not like those angry, jealous, low class half siblings.  According to British papers; it appears that the awful half brother isn't on good terms with his father either, there he was blah blahing about his father not being invited to the wedding when all along, the plan was that Megan's father would walk her down the aisle.  And long before Harry, Meghan paid off much of her father's debt.  He lives quietly in Mexico but they  are close.  So, the half brother either lied or doesn't know what's going on in his father's life.

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

@faeriemoon wrote:

I have always thought that after the Queen and/or Philip die Andrew and Fergie will remarry.  I  think she was very lonely when he was serving in the navy, and claimed she didn't know they would be apart all those years when she married him.  Supposedly that was the reason for the divorce.


They have always remained very close.


She had an affair and she didn't have the common sense to be discreet.  Photographers caught her in the act poolside in a bikini with the lover sucking her toes.  And Andrew hadn't been gone for years.  It was a public scandal...with pictures.  So, denial wasn't possible.  She was a skank having an affair while her husband was serving his country.  And a dumb one, at that.  That's why they detest the woman.  After the divorce, she continuined spending money that she didn't have like she was the Queen herself and several times, the Queen had to pay off her debts.  And then there was the matter of her taking money from business sources.  It was the scam of all pay for play scams.  For a fee, she promised business that Andrew use his influence on their behalf.  Andrew knew nothing about this and acutally has no influence over anything.  More scandal, more headlines.  And this happened as the Queen was beginning to soften toward Sarah for the sake of Andrew and her grandaughters.  Many British Royal watchers thought that Sarah and Andrew would quietly remarry.  The indications were there.  And then Sarah....did what she did.  


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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

@faeriemoon wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@qualitygal wrote:

Poor Fergie.  Yes her daughters are the ages of those getting married, but by blood the daughters are joined to the family.  Fergie isn't, and she'd probably like to be, but she needs to step back.  



She needs to step back?    Seriously?    Simply because Phillip doesn't care for her?  I bet plenty of people don't care for Phillip .....   but tolerate him anyway.   Over the years he has been quite the womanizer, so he has no right to be judging anyone.


If Andrew is invited, I think his Plus One can be whomever he chooses to bring.     This isn't about blood.


And people are criticizing Meghan's family? .....  yeah, right.



I don't think a whole lot of "plus one" invitations are offered up at royal weddings.

...especially in a situation where the presumed "plus one" is specifically not invited!

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Re: More Royal Wedding Intrigue

[ Edited ]



No, but I used the "plus one" just to refer to who Andrew might invite to accompany him.