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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

In my area window stickers on the front or back windshields are illegal so I don't see 'memorials' on them around here.

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

I have never seen one but if they bring comfort to those left behind that's what matters, not what I think of them.

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

I would not want anyone to memorialize my passing on the rear window of their vehicle. 

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

They are very popular here in my area of southern WV; a close friend from work had a decal made in memory of her dad.   It is on the passenger window of her SUV.   

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

I see them a lot. They don't bother me. I wouldn't do it but to each their own. I would say something about who I see mostly does this but I will refrain from taking a lashing today. 

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

This is something new to me as I've never seen such a thing.  Most unusual as Native New Mexicans memorialize EVERYTHING, but apparently it hasn't caught on here.  Now I'll probably see them all over the place.

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

[ Edited ]

I remember seeing some of these a few years ago, but none lately.  At the time they struck me as really tacky, but none of my business.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

My thought is that we all lose people we love.  So I don't see a point in doing it.  I think it is like don't others lose loved one too?  What about theirs?  Are they not important?  


I don't know just strikes me as since everyone faces this, no need to single mine out. . . from kindness to all who have loved and lost. 

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

I don't think memorials are meant to be put on something that isn't going to last for a very long time.  Agree there is a definite tacky factor.


On another weird note, I once went to a wake where the mourners were encouraged to sign the coffin.  I declined to sign.  Just too bizarre for me.

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Re: Memorials On Car Windows

I like those about as much as I liked the "baby on board" signs years ago...