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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

Exactly. Plus in the meantime that extra 150 a month would disappear in short order with one unexpected health emergency.  I hope she doesn't do this, but she doesn't seem to see what a disaster she is setting herself up for. Sigh...

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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

@Catsrule   I agree. Dropping Part B is dangerous and just plain stupid.  Without it, you really have no insurance, except for the hospital or a skilled nursing center...only if you are admitted and no doctors would be paid.


If I could, I would honestly reimburse Chickenbutt for her Part B payment every month out of my own pocket. I feel so strongly about her 100% needing it.


I had a difficult time sleeping last night worrying about this.  I pray she contacts the department of aging in her state and seeks help.  There are other options that can help her.

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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

@kitcat51 wrote:

Easy choice for Advantage Plan with $0. monthly premium that includes drug coverage. 



$0 monthly premium??? Didn't know there was such a plan.

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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

@Sapphiregal wrote:

@kitcat51 wrote:

Easy choice for Advantage Plan with $0. monthly premium that includes drug coverage. 



$0 monthly premium??? Didn't know there was such a plan.

@Sapphiregal  I have one with zero monthly premium. Medicare part B comes out of my SS. My plan is also zero copay at the Doctor's office. Yes, it's an Advantage plan which many people don't like.

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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

@GingerPeach wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

@quilter61 wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

I get so overwhelmed trying to understand some of this stuff.    I only have MedA and MedB but, since I cannot afford medical care anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to delete MedB so I can at least have a few more $$ each month.   


I can't seem to figure out how to do this.  Does anybody else know?  TIA for any advice in that regard.  Smiley Happy


My suggestion is that you contact an Insurance Broker to help you decide what plan is best for you.   They will need the doctors you see, plus any medication you are currently taking.   There is no cost to contact a Broker.   


Yikes!  I hope it doesn't take that.  Like I said, I cannot afford medical care for myself so I'm only trying to delete the Medicare B part so I can have that $150-or so back each month.  


I don't have a doctor, and haven't for nearly 20 years, except for the orthopaedic care I had, a few years ago, for almost 3 months when I broke my arm.   That was only because it was unavoidable.  Smiley Happy


You can go to medicare dot gov, click on "health and drug plans" at the top, plug in your zip code, and then you'll be able to compare either regular Medicare plans or the Advantage plans. 


Depending on the area where you live, you could get a free plan. According to what I see on the site, that means you don't pay Part A since you no longer have traditional Medicare, but you DO pay Part B, and then either 0$ or whatever cost the Advantage plan charges per month. So it would cost you roughly the $150 Part B (but not the original Medicare) plus whatever the Advantage plan charges. 


The website is surprisingly straightforward.

@GingerPeach the information you provided is likely based on your own zip code and may not be applicable to chickenbutt.  She has to see what is available for her own region.  The benefits you described may or not be available to her based on her income and assets and whether her state participates in Medicaid.  


@chickenbutt if you go to the CMMS ( you will get location specific information for where you live.  Have you ever done this before?

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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

@Sugipine wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

@Sugipine wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

@Sugipine wrote:

@sann wrote:

@Estellee wrote:

Are they still covering yearly mamograms?

Yes once every twelve months ........



They will cover 2-D mammos once yearly. 3-D mammos are covered if your supplemental covers them (most do but not all).  If not then you pay for 3-D mammos and copays. 

It's my understanding that if Medicare doesn't cover it your supplement won't either.




Now I'm confused b/c when I had my mammo just this past Friday the person who checked me in at the desk said that I needed to check with my advantage plan to see if the 3-D would be covered. I didn't know at that time what was covered so I did not get the 3-D mammo b/c I didn't want to pay for it.

If you have an Advantage Plan, you do not have a Medicare supplement.  A supplement picks up deductibles and copays after Traditional Medicare pays it's share. If Medicare doesn't pay, your supplement doesn't either.


When you buy an Advantage plan, you no longer have Traditional Medicare.  You only have and need your Advantage coverage.  You should always call your Advantage plan company if you want to know your benefits.  They can and do differ from Traditional Medicare and supplemental policies.



Now I'm even more confused. Guess I need to make a phone call. My Medicare goes through my state gov healthcare system and it's not like regular Medicare...'managed Medicare' is what I heard it called.

@Sugipine you have a Medicare Advantage Plan.

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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

[ Edited ]

@Zaimee wrote:



Each state has free benefits counseling. Check out


Your state should be listed. Many states have the SHIP program. Here in Florida it is the SHINE program. They are NOT affiliated with any insurance company. You can call the number and someone will call you back to discuss your concerns and best options for you.


You are very fortunate that you have not had any major health issues. But, at your age, odds are not in your favor that you will not need medical care. Having health insurance gives you options to get basic care,  get early detection of problems ,seek second opinions, and gives you choices. You do not want to gamble with your health.

You need to get information to make an informed decision. There are options available to you. Do not cancel Part B unless you have an Advantage Plan that pays for it. 


I am your age and a cancer survivor. Aggressive tumor popped out of nowhere ( had mammogram and ultra sound 4 months prior)! Grateful that I had healthcare to cover the cost chemo, surgery, radiation,and reconstruction.Going for 5 years checkup tomorrow!


Agree with bolded part!  Posters can only give a perspective and point of view and facts, but the OP has to make this decision ultimately.


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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

[ Edited ]

@Sapphiregal wrote:

@kitcat51 wrote:

Easy choice for Advantage Plan with $0. monthly premium that includes drug coverage. 



$0 monthly premium??? Didn't know there was such a plan.

@Sapphiregal - it's not $0. It's zero EXTRA.  You still pay the part B premium that is deducted from your social security payment.  That part B payment covers some Advantage plans.  That makes it seem to some as though there is no premium.  There is no extra premium above the part B payment.


The OP has said she can't afford the Part B premium and would like to drop B and get the cash instead each month.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾


That is exactly why I wrote, right at the beginning, that chickenbutt should type in her own zip code.


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Re: 👍🏾 Medicare & You 2022 👍🏾

@Sapphiregal wrote:

@kitcat51 wrote:

Easy choice for Advantage Plan with $0. monthly premium that includes drug coverage. 



$0 monthly premium??? Didn't know there was such a plan.

This is my 3rd year with a $0 monthly premium, there are other Advantage Plans with monthly premiums to choose from but that's what works best for me. All the Advantage Plans available in your area are listed in the Medicare Handbook & on the website.