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Living Your Life on Social Media

I think people who post a good portion of their lives on social media are insecure attention seekers. I'll give you an example. Some people go through an illness privately, while others pretty much post the whole thing on social media. I know everyone handles things differently but, to me, it seems like those that put everything out there are looking for adulation. What say you?
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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

I think social media is too pervasive to draw meaningful conclusions. Its just a different world today and people communicate differently. That's all.

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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

@bobby5 wrote:
I think people who post a good portion of their lives on social media are insecure attention seekers. I'll give you an example. Some people go through an illness privately, while others pretty much post the whole thing on social media. I know everyone handles things differently but, to me, it seems like those that put everything out there are looking for adulation. What say you?

@bobby5 I say people are individuals, and you can't say how they feel or why they do something by looking at if they post of social media, or by their gender, political party or what color they are.


People are all unique and deserve to be seen for who they are.  

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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

@bobby5 I don't judge people for their reasons for sharing on social media. I do, however, think some share way too much personal information that can be a detriment to their personal safety.

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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media


Oh I would never say anything about gender, political party, or color. I'm strictly talking about posting a good portion of your life on social media.
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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

@bobby5 wrote:

Oh I would never say anything about gender, political party, or color. I'm strictly talking about posting a good portion of your life on social media.

@bobby5 You're taking one fact and making a generalization about people.  

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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

@bobby5   These days especially, I don't think it is safe to share too much of your personal life on social media.

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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

Social media is a life line for some. Folks have their own reasons for sharing what they do..  You could sy the same about some that post on here.  Communications have changed.  Things shared has changed.  Think how much support folks that post here when going through stuff get from other posters.  To each their own I say.  

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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media


I was thinking about some people in particular, but I guess it does sound like I'm making a generalization.
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Re: Living Your Life on Social Media

It seems to be a way to make money for some people.