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Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

About an hour ago our Gov. has announced masks are now mandatory in public places and businesses.  We have had a spike in the last week.  Glad he finally did this.

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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

I live in Sparks. Nv 👍

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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

@Leggett28 wrote:

I live in Sparks. Nv 👍

Hi neighbor, is it hot enough for you lol.  I was hoping it would rain a little tonight, guess it still mightSmiley Happy

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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

I wish the genius running my state would do the same thing. He says the citizens of Arkansas will do the right thing, he has faith in all of us to social distance and to wear a mask while we are out and about. He hasn't been to Wal Mart, or any other public place, obviously. UGH. 

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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

@sunshine 919  Yeah, it’s been pretty hot. And now the wind is back. I’m sick of the wind.

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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

As virus numbers rise in some places, it is good common sense to have people wear masks.  A simple sacrifice.

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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

First day of everyone wearing masks.  Walmart was excellent, people at door making sure everyone had a mask.  Two people turned around because they did not have a mask.  To my surprise one was an older man using a walker and turned around mumbling he was not wearing a mask.  The other was a young woman.  She didn't say anything just turned around.  Now inside there was one woman with 4 kids I would say ages 8 to 12 none of them had a mask.  Not sure how she got in, maybe had one and took if off.  Literally everyone else had masks and no one was complainingSmiley Happy

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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

My fearless leader said nope for us but he did sign something else today to bring this state into the 21st century finally so it's a wash here in GA. 



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Re: Masks are now mandatory in Nevada

@sunshine 919 wrote:

First day of everyone wearing masks.  Walmart was excellent, people at door making sure everyone had a mask.  Two people turned around because they did not have a mask.  To my surprise one was an older man using a walker and turned around mumbling he was not wearing a mask.  The other was a young woman.  She didn't say anything just turned around.  Now inside there was one woman with 4 kids I would say ages 8 to 12 none of them had a mask.  Not sure how she got in, maybe had one and took if off.  Literally everyone else had masks and no one was complainingSmiley Happy


That's good to hear.  I haven't left my house lately but, of course, have been wearing a mask when I do.   I go to Raley's a lot of the time and it's usually about a 70/30 (masks/not masks) split.   


Last time I saw one couple in the store, both of whom were wearing masks below their nose.   I saw them a few times while I was there and the masks were always place in that manner.  No brain, no pain, I guess. Smiley Very Happy


I look forward to seeing how it goes next time I'm out, now that there is a statewide order.