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Re: Makes Me Laugh Everytime

@jubilant @Thanks for the smiles😘

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Re: Makes Me Laugh Everytime

😂.   Loved it!  Had forgotten it!  Thank you for sharing.  

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

Re: Makes Me Laugh Everytime

Steve Martin is such a he would not be allowed to make this classic!

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Makes Me Laugh Everytime

So funny! I'll never forget I saw him back in 1974'ish when he came to our college as the warm-up act to some rock band that was performing. None of us had ever heard of him and he was, let's just say, different but hilarious! I'll never forget his joke about smoking. He said when people ask him, "Mind if I smoke?" His reply would be, "No, mind if I fart?" 😲🤣😲