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PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

Just received this email from PayPal:


"Our Return Shipping on Us service is coming to an end. Starting November 27th, 2022, PayPal will no longer provide free return shipping labels or refunds for return shipping costs. Make sure to submit any eligible requests before the above date to ensure your claim is accepted."



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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

Too many people taking advantage of free returns.  

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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

While I've never used this service, I too just recieved the email.

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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

Appears as if they want to stop the free shipping...before the Christmas shopping  rush begins...

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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

[ Edited ]

that's a shame.


I don't use Paypal...but for those that do, the withdrawl of a good customer service feature like free returns is a let down!!!


Why use them then?  Credit cards have tons of enticing features.....

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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

I got that email, too. It's really disappointing. But on the flip side PayPal Mastercard cashback increased to 3% for all purchases.

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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

I didn't realize someone else had already posted this. I posted the same thing in community chat. Anyway, just spread the word. I hate to see them end this program. It was a great help the few times that I would use it. I never used my full quota. I guess a lot of buyers probably used their entire quota year after year. So, of course, everyone else has to pay for a few people who misuse the system. 

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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

@RespectLife wrote:

that's a shame.


I don't use Paypal...but for those that do, the withdrawl of a good customer service feature like free returns is a let down!!!


Why use them then?  Credit cards have tons of enticing features.....

@RespectLife I use Paypal to mask my credit card number from websites.  I have a couple of cards linked to my Paypal account and when I checkout, I select Paypal and once I'm connected to them I select the card I want to use.  That way I get all the regular benefits from my card plus added protection because my card # is never sent to the site I'm ordering from.





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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"



I see!


I just know Paypal has been hacked like other sites and don't trust the security.


My sis had a big issue trying to get fraudulent purchases credited. Took MONTHS!!


Discover is totally on the customer's side when it comes to fraud, so I stick with them.



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Re: PayPal-no more "Return Shipping on Us"

@RespectLife I use my Discover card a lot with Paypal.  If I had a problem, I think I'd automatically try to get Discover to fix it rather than Paypal.  Wouldn't have even think of Paypal to tell you the truth because when i get my card statement, I can't tell if I ordered it directly with my Discover card or via Paypal.


I haven't had to deal with Discover's customer service, but it's great to know they are good.  Can't imagine how stressful it is to have to deal with fraud and then not having the issuer help you immediately!