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@meem120 wrote:

I thought I heard she subscribed to the Factor eating plan.

That is a meal delivery plan. Tbey have a variety of different meals for keto, protein, veggie + vegan, calorie smart choice, Chef's choice , protein , dessert and snacks.

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No way can a person lose weight as quickly as she did on low calorie diet alone
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@SharkE wrote:

She's going overboard. Looking gaunt. 


I thought the same thing when I stopped on Q while looking for something to watch.  She looks smaller than she did a couple weeks ago.


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@songbird wrote:

@Franell wrote:

So what if she is using a weight loss drug. Why should there be a stigma attached to this?

Exactly.  There shouldn't be.  Enough with the obesity in this country. 

I don't think its a stigma, I think people are irritated because people will try to say they did it the hard way when eventually admit they took a shot.  Sunny on the View admitted she was using the drug.  She is super thin now.  Not sure how thin she wants to be.

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Why not quit eating so much
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She can do anything she wants to.  Free country

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It's not just that simple. I can eat less than 1000 calories a day and not lose weight.

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She doesn’t owe an explanation unless she decides to sell anything related to weight loss.

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I saw Kim briefly over the weekend and my first impression was she didn't look good. Yes, she is thin but her eyes and face looked gaunt, 

Whatever she's doing obviously is taking effect. 

I personally don't like using medication to utilize weight loss.  So many meds have such serious side effects. I wouldn't even dip my toe in that.

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@sunshine 919 wrote:

@songbird wrote:

@Franell wrote:

So what if she is using a weight loss drug. Why should there be a stigma attached to this?

Exactly.  There shouldn't be.  Enough with the obesity in this country. 

I don't think its a stigma, I think people are irritated because people will try to say they did it the hard way when eventually admit they took a shot.  Sunny on the View admitted she was using the drug.  She is super thin now.  Not sure how thin she wants to be.


Wow!  I hadn't heard Sunny say she was using it.  I agree, she is pretty thin already.  She's never even been close to overweight or even chubby.🌸