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 Kate Middleton certainly is an asset to the monarchy.  She has become more and more self assured over the years and can pretty much stand on her own.  I am sure it gives the queen peace of mind in that she can count on Kate if and when she needs her.  It's just a shame that in the last few years as the ruler, Queen Elizabeth has to deal with the adversity surrounding her own family members   Sixty eight years is a long time to rule a country, she is a remarkable woman.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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@Lindsays Grandma   I think we will now see a lot more of both William and Kate going ‘solo’ undertaking more duties.


 The Queen stepping back a bit before retiring is, in my opinion, a good thing as it will now enable Charles and William to take more roles but she is still there guiding and advising hopefully for a long time.  This transition will give the Queen, I think, some peace of mind as she prepares to ‘retire’.

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Surely she is used to it with that lot!  She will go down in history perhaps as one of, if not THE, greatest monarch of Great Britain.  She is remarkable.  


She has put duty first, and she has stayed the course with humor, courage and dignity. 



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@Lindsays Grandma 


I agree, she is one class act. 

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[ Edited ]

@dulwich wrote:

@Lindsays Grandma   I think we will now see a lot more of both William and Kate going ‘solo’ undertaking more duties.


 The Queen stepping back a bit before retiring is, in my opinion, a good thing as it will now enable Charles and William to take more roles but she is still there guiding and advising hopefully for a long time.  This transition will give the Queen, I think, some peace of mind as she prepares to ‘retire’.

Interesting article last weekend in The NYTimes about this. "After a public-relations debacle stirred questions about the role of Queen Elizabeth II, the Prince of Wales is asserting a newfound authority in British royal affairs."


Prince Charles has long pushed for a more streamlined royal family, with fewer members carrying out official duties, drawing from the public purse, or generating damaging publicity. But the Prince Andrew debacle is the most visible sign yet that the shift has begun to happen. Some British papers all but implored the heir to take de facto control.


Entire article here: In Prince Andrew Scandal, Prince Charles Emerges as Monarch-in-Waiting 

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The Queen does not rule the UK,  She reigns only.  She is politically neutral and does not vote or get involved in ruling, though she does sign changes made by parliament for ceremony.


Her main job is presiding over engagements.  Engagements include hosting parties and heads of states, taking diplomatic trips, presenting citizens with awards, and opening new sessions of Parliament and charity work.


The Royals bring a lot of tourist money into the UK too.


Basically, the country doesn't need them to run the government.  They get paid to dress up and look pretty and raise money for charities.


The Queen has been trying to keep her family looking good and proper, but lately, they are running wild and breaking with tradition.


I wonder how much longer the people of the UK will continue to want support them. 

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My personal opinion. She will not stand down. I think she will go to her death as Queen.
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@Brisky   I agree.  She will probably just cut back on her duties and retain her position until she passes.


By the time Charles gets to be King, he will be at least 80 years old. The Queen Mother lived to be 101 and Prince Philip is already 98.  They all seem to live a long time.



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@Carmie wrote:

The Queen does not rule the UK,  She reigns only.  She is politically neutral and does not vote or get involved in ruling, though she does sign changes made by parliament for ceremony.


Her main job is presiding over engagements.  Engagements include hosting parties and heads of states, taking diplomatic trips, presenting citizens with awards, and opening new sessions of Parliament and charity work.


The Royals bring a lot of tourist money into the UK too.


Basically, the country doesn't need them to run the government.  They get paid to dress up and look pretty and raise money for charities.


The Queen has been trying to keep her family looking good and proper, but lately, they are running wild and breaking with tradition.


I wonder how much longer the people of the UK will continue to want support them. 




I was going to say the same thing.  None of the royals are necessary to run the country; the government does that.  As for the family "looking good and proper", that's a bit of a joke.   These people are all human and not mannequins that just wave and look proper.  The British people could really do very nicely without them, but i doubt that will happen any time soon.

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She may be considered an 'asset' due to the fact that she's reproduced, other than that, I don't find her that compelling.