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I got a summons for jury duty.   I swear, I get them all the time and people I know never do.   I got one once where it was a 4 mo. trial.  I couldn't serve because of my job.


You used to have to mail back the questionnaire.  Now, it's online.  I just don't remember them asking your birthdate, ethnic background, employed or not on the paper questionnaire.   


I thought jury duty was random and they get more detailed if you are called on a panel.   Now, it seems, they can pick you for a panel from the onset.


Anyone else have these questions.   The court is so far from me and I have an older car.  I'm afraid to drive down there.   I wouldn't mind doing my "duty" if it weren't such an ordeal to get there.   I'm a nervous driver and do not like driving in downtown (busy city) traffic.

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I have been in my county for 33 years and have only been summoned to jury duty once, for a federal trial. I would love to be a professional juror! But I don't have to drive in metro traffic . . .

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@Frosted Cake wrote:

I got a summons for jury duty.   I swear, I get them all the time and people I know never do.   I got one once where it was a 4 mo. trial.  I couldn't serve because of my job.


You used to have to mail back the questionnaire.  Now, it's online.  I just don't remember them asking your birthdate, ethnic background, employed or not on the paper questionnaire.   


I thought jury duty was random and they get more detailed if you are called on a panel.   Now, it seems, they can pick you for a panel from the onset.


Anyone else have these questions.   The court is so far from me and I have an older car.  I'm afraid to drive down there.   I wouldn't mind doing my "duty" if it weren't such an ordeal to get there.   I'm a nervous driver and do not like driving in downtown (busy city) traffic.



I can come up with a million reasons myself. I hate when I get the summons but it is the pric we pay for living in The USA.

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It DOES always seem like some people get them constantly and others not at all.


I cannot even remember if I had gotten summoned ever until a few years ago when I did.   I had to go in and go through the thing but didn't get chosen.  It was no major case or anything.   But it was odd how I really didn't want to go (NOT because I'm a bad citizen but because of my health challenges), but by the time I went through it I hoped I'd be chosen.   Weird, eh?  Smiley Happy


I recall it saying that I would be out of the whatever it is for TWO YEARS and then could be summoned again.  Unfortunately, my health has gotten much worse so this time I have to say that I really hope I don't have to go again.   But, hey, if I get the card I'll do my duty to the best of my ability. 

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@Frosted Cake wrote:

I got a summons for jury duty.   I swear, I get them all the time and people I know never do.   I got one once where it was a 4 mo. trial.  I couldn't serve because of my job.


You used to have to mail back the questionnaire.  Now, it's online.  I just don't remember them asking your birthdate, ethnic background, employed or not on the paper questionnaire.   


I thought jury duty was random and they get more detailed if you are called on a panel.   Now, it seems, they can pick you for a panel from the onset.


Anyone else have these questions.   The court is so far from me and I have an older car.  I'm afraid to drive down there.   I wouldn't mind doing my "duty" if it weren't such an ordeal to get there.   I'm a nervous driver and do not like driving in downtown (busy city) traffic.

Before you had to show up just to possibly be eliminated immediately based on the questions on the paper form. You're picked for the panel, the jury pool, you may or may not go through Voir Dire, depending on the need. I went through the process a few months ago, showed up as instructed on January 4, and they sent me home as soon as I walked in the door. I had to take time off work, drive downtown, pay for parking, go trough security, all to spend 5 minutes (including security) in the courthouse.

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I, too, seem to be selected a lot and, like you, the driving downtown is a hassle.  Other than that, my experiences have been good.  I've met nice people and the cases only lasted part of the day.  But, I always get a little nervous when I receive the summons in the mail.

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I've been summoned twice (about 5 years apart) and ended up serving on both juries.  I was working at the time and, while it was an inconvenience, that was not a reason for disqualification. It can be a hassle and time consuming to serve but I feel it is part of responsibility as a citizen.


One case was a DUI and one a criminal assault.  In both cases, there was a large panel and we all filled out an extensive questionnaire, including what TV shows we watched.  The large panel was then whittled down based on the answer to certain questions.  Then the still large panel was taken to a courtroom and we were questioned by the prosecutor and defense and sometimes the judge. The defendant was also present and sat facing all of us.  Once they had enough jurors and alternates for the trial, the questioning stopped, those not questioned or who were passed for cause were released, and the jury was seated.   Each of these trials lasted for a full week.  It was an interesting process. 

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What they do in NJ is mail the summons with instructions to complete the questionnaire on line within a certain time frame and then tell you if you don't they will mail you a paper questionnaire.


Just send the questionnaire with the original summons instead of wasting more paper and postage.....dumb.

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I used to get them every year.  EVERY YEAR, sometimes twice, to two different courts.  Then I had to go through a lot of hoopla getting out of the second one by proving I already served that year.


I hate it for various reasons.  I've seen people with very valid reasons who were not able to postpone, and that really makes me angry.


Where we serve is in a very bad neighborhood, there was nowhere to eat lunch except a filthy McDonalds, and parking was next to impossible and very expensive.


I went, I served on juries, and in a minute I would vote for taxes for a better place, and one with childcare.  Other areas have childcare, I saw a woman report for duty, crying.  Her mother was to take care of the kids, but was hospitalized, she brought the kids in with her.  They gave her hades. What could she have done?  Nothing.  It was a last minute family emergency.  Horrible.

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After 25 years of being a registered voter I have finally received my first jury duty notice. It was supposed to be March 8th but I had to testify in a case on the 9th so I have had to postpone my service. I could have gotten out of it outright but I want to experience it at least once.


We don't have any kind of questionnaire to fill out. Maybe it will be at the courthouse, I have no idea.


But Thank You for doing your civil duty.